
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:serinol
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Objective:The aim of the study was to test the expressions of Livin and insulin-like growth factor Ⅱ(IGF-Ⅱ) in colorectal cancers and discuss their significance of carcinogenesis and progression in colorectal cancers,to provide a new target and theory basement for cancer therapy.Methods:The expressions of Livin and IGF-Ⅱ were detected by immunohistochemistry SABC in 60 cases of colorectal cancer and their associated colorectal tissues,and the associations between the expression levels of Livin and IGF-Ⅱ and clinical pathological characteristics were analyzed.Results:The positive rates of Livin and IGF-Ⅱ in colorectal carcinomas were 68.33% and 63.33% respectively,higher than those of para-carcinomatous normal tissues and colorectal adenomas.There were no significant correlations between the expressions of Livin,IGF-Ⅱ in colorectal carcinomas and the patient’s age,sex,tumor size and location,while distant metastasis,Dukes stage,histological type,lymph node metastasis,and whether the tumors have received radiotherapy and chemotherapy were significantly correlated with the expressions of Livin,IGF-Ⅱ in colorectal carcinomas.Conclusion:Livin and IGF-Ⅱ play important roles in carcinogenesis and progression of colorectal cancer.This study showed obvious correlation between the expressions of Livin and IGF-Ⅱ in colorectal cancers.It could be used as the reference for further researches.Livin is hopeful to be a new molecular target in cancer therapy. Objective: The aim of the study was to test the expressions of Livin and insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) in colorectal cancers and discuss their significance of carcinogenesis and progression in colorectal cancers, to provide a new target and theory basement for cancer therapy. Methods: The expressions of Livin and IGF-II were detected by immunohistochemistry SABC in 60 cases of colorectal cancer and their associated colorectal tissues, and the associations between the expression levels of Livin and IGF-II and clinical pathological characteristics were analyzed. Results: The positive rates of Livin and IGF-II in colorectal carcinomas were 68.33% and 63.33% respectively, higher than those of para-carcinomatous normal tissues and colorectal adenomas. There are no significant correlations between the expressions of Livin, IGF-II in colorectal carcinomas and the patient’s age, sex, tumor size and location, while distant metastasis, Dukes stage, histological type, lymph node metastasis, and whe ther the tumors have received radiotherapy and chemotherapy were were correlated with the expressions of Livin, IGF-II in colorectal carcinomas. Confluence: Livin and IGF-II play important roles in carcinogenesis and progression of colorectal cancer. this study showed obvious correlation between the expressions of Livin and IGF-II in colorectal cancers. It could be used as the reference for further researches. Livin is hopeful to be a new molecular target in cancer therapy.
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[摘 要] 当前高职教育存在“重技能、轻人文”的情况,高职学生在人文素质方面的缺失严重,为培养适应社会和企业创新发展需求的可持续发展的“人”,加强高职学生人文素质培养势在必行,占據学生大部分学习时间的“专业教学”对学生人文素质培养起着举足轻重的作用,以东莞职业技术学院电子信息工程技术专业为例,从校企共同构建知识技能和人文素质并重的课程体系;加强教师人文素质培养,构建双师结构教学团队;开展现代学徒制
【本刊2003年5月综合报道】 聚变能长久以来一直是一个极具吸引力的潜在能源。与太阳燃烧过程一样,聚变可通过氢的同位素原子聚合形成氦产生能量。聚变反应堆与目前广泛使用
[摘 要] 土建专业在人才培养中存在重理论轻实践、毕业实习就业困难、顶岗工作能力匮乏、校外资源利用不足等诸多问题,而现代学徒制在一定程度上可解决上述问题。构建基于施工过程的现代学徒制人才培养模式,要以扎根地方经济,实施实践性教学,加强校内外实训基地建设,注重师傅选拔培养作为实施保障。  [关 键 词] 土建专业;现代学徒制;人才培养  [中图分类号] G717 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2