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李光羲,中国音乐家协会副主席、北京市朝阳区文联主席、国家一级演员和著名男高音歌唱演员,由他演唱的《祝酒歌》经久不衰。在圈内,李光羲还有一段被传为佳话的美好婚姻:在那个物质匮乏的年代,他们一个是才华横溢却清贫的歌唱家,一个是家境殷实的富家小姐,他们因着爱情冲破世俗走到了一起。此后半个多世纪,他们携手共同战胜了父母的门户之见,战胜了饥饿与缺乏,战胜了“文革”十年里的妻离子散,共同经历了因病痛而带来的事业的沉寂……在接受笔者采访的时候,李光羲饱含深情地说:“我一生之中得到过太多太多的荣誉,但在我的眼中,最大的幸运是娶了一个理解自己、爱自己的妻子;因为有这份几十年不变的爱,我在遭遇贫穷、劫难和事业的瓶颈时才不至于丧失希望。” Li Guangxi, Vice Chairman of Chinese Musicians Association, Chairman of Literary Federation of Chaoyang District, Beijing, actor at the national level and famous soprano singer, “Toast Song” sung by him enduring. In the circle, Li Guangxi still has a beautiful marriage that has been translated into a fairy tale: in that era of material scarcity, one of them was a talented and poor singer, and a well-to-do rich family lady, who broke through the world with love . Over half a century later, they joined hands to jointly defeat the views of their parents and overcome the hunger and lack of victory over the dissolution of their wife and children in the “Cultural Revolution” over the past decade. Together, they experienced the silence caused by the illness. In accepting the author’s interview, Li Guangxi said lovingly: “I’ve had too many honors in my life, but in my eyes, the greatest fortune is to marry a wife who understands and loves her; because With this constant love for decades, I will not lose my hope in the face of the bottlenecks of poverty, disaster and cause. ”