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春日,一个明媚的午后,我正哼着小曲走在回家的途中。路上,看见隔壁王阿姨急冲冲的往回赶,一问原来是她爱人老张因为胆囊炎准备明天住院手术治疗。我心里咯噔了一下:张叔今年已经65岁了,年龄这么大,再挨一刀那要慎重!晚上,到他家看望他,刚进门就听见他在沙发上“哼哼”,看见我如同看到救星:“你这个研究生快给我看看怎么这个地万长了水疱,痛的很,好像和以前胆囊炎痛的不一样。”我定睛一看,右胸背部发红,可见黄豆大小的水疱,沿着肋间分布,像一条细长的带子,仔细询问:原来张叔5天前喝酒后右胸背部疼痛,像针扎样,无放射痛,曾在我院外科就诊,B超化验发现:胆囊结石,胆囊炎,以前有“胆囊炎”病史10年,明天准备住院手术治疗。 Spring day, a bright afternoon, I was humming the song on the way home. On the road, see the next king Aunt rushed rush to catch, I asked her husband Chang because she is willing to hospital for cholecystitis surgery tomorrow. My heart a bit of a choking: Zhang Shu 65 years old this year, age is so big, then get a knife that should be cautious! In the evening, when I visited him at home, I heard him just “hum” on the couch and saw me as if I saw the savior: “The graduate student gave me a quick look at how to grow blisters in this place, And before the pain of cholecystitis is not the same. ”I take a closer look, the right chest red back, we can see the size of the blisters of soybeans, along the intercostal distribution, like a slender tape, carefully asked: the original Zhang Shu 5 days ago to drink After the right chest back pain, like needle-like, no radiating pain, surgical treatment in our hospital, B-test found: gallstones, cholecystitis, formerly “cholecystitis” a history of 10 years, tomorrow hospitalized surgery.
目前,汽车已经是越来越普遍的交通工具,但是现在的汽车还有很多不好的地方。随着科学的发展,未来的汽车将会是什么样子的呢? At present, the car is already more and more
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