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作为贯彻中央政治局第二十二次集体学习精神,不断提升农村精神文明建设层次和水平的重要举措,2010年10月,四川省南充市高坪区启动“身边的感动”文艺下乡巡演活动。为期两年的巡回演出,既是对高坪区富民强村工作中涌现出的感人事迹的宣扬,更为这项工作增添了精神文明层面的内容。 As an important measure to carry out the spirit of the 22nd collective learning of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and continuously upgrade the level and level of rural spiritual civilization construction, in October 2010, Gaoping District, Nanchong, Touring activities. The two-year touring tour not only serves as a publicity campaign for the touching stories of the work of Fumin Strong Village in Gaoping District, but adds more spiritual and cultural dimensions to the work.