Impact of solvents and surfactants on the self-assembly of nanostructured amine functionalized silic

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghj1983
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Macroscopic SiO_2 spheres with a homogeneous amine distribution were synthesized by a one-step emulsion based synthesis approach in a flow column reactor. The CO_2 adsorption capacity of the nanostructured amine-functionalized silica spheres was studied in absence and presence of H_2O. The structural properties were adjusted by varying solvents and surfactants during the synthesis and, at constant amine loadings, were found to be the main factor for influencing the CO_2 sorption capacities. Under water-free conditions CO_2 is bound to the amino groups via the formation of carbamates, which require two neighboring amino groups to adsorb one CO_2 molecule. At constant amine concentrations sorbents with lower surface area allow to establish a higher amine density on the surface, which enhances the CO_2 uptake capacities under dry conditions. In presence of H_2O the CO_2 adsorption changes to 1:1 stoichiometry due to stabilization of carbamates by protonation of H_2O and formation of further species such as bicarbonates, which should in principle double the adsorption capacities. Low concentrations of physisorbed H2O(0.3 mmol/g) did not impair the adsorption capacity of the adsorbents for CO_2, while at higher water uptakes(0.6 and 1.1 mmol/g) the CO_2 uptake is reduced, which could be attributed to capillary condensation of H_2O or formation of bulky reaction products blocking inner pores and access to active sites. Macroscopic SiO 2 spheres with a homogeneous amine distribution were synthesized by a one-step emulsion based synthesis approach in a flow column reactor. The CO 2 adsorption capacity of the nanostructured amine-functionalized silica spheres was studied in absence and presence of H_2O. The structural properties were adjusted by varying solvents and surfactants during the synthesis and, at constant amine loadings, were found to be the main factor for influencing the CO_2 sorption capacities. Under water-free conditions CO_2 is bound to the amino groups via the formation of carbamates, which require At constant amine concentrations sorbents with lower surface area allow to establish higher amine density on the surface, which enhances the CO_2 uptake capacities under dry conditions. In presence of H_2O the CO_2 adsorption changes to 1 : 1 stoichiometry due to stabilization of carbamates by protonation of H_2O and formation of furth Low concentrations of physisorbed H2O (0.3 mmol / g) did not impair the adsorption capacity of the adsorbents for CO 2, while at higher water uptakes (0.6 and 1.1 mmol / g ) the CO_2 uptake is reduced, which could be attributed to capillary condensation of H_2O or formation of bulky reaction products blocking inner pores and access to active sites.
人们在大力宣传体育运动对人体的种种益处的同时,很少谈论运动对人体可能造成的危害。本文就剧烈躯体运动引起的心血管并发症进行了讨论。 剧烈运动期间猝死的原因 冠状动脉
我院1992年1月~1998年3月共收治21例经CT或MRI证实的原发性脑干出血病人,其中11例死亡,10例生存,现将有关资料整理分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 死亡11例,男9例,女2例;平均年龄
CopperchelatingtherapeuticefectinWilsondiseasewithdiferentclinicalphenotypesandpolymorphismsofATP7BgeneRENMingShan1,HUWen?.. CopperchelatingtherapeuticefectinWilsondiseasewithdiferentclinicalphenotypesandpolymorphismsofATP7BgeneRENMingShan1, HUWen?
目的分析全身皮肤电子线照射的急性毒性反应,探讨热释光剂量监测的临床意义。材料与方法自1995年底利用Varian-2100C HDTSe-6MeV电子束治疗模式治疗4例病人,分别用6mm和10mm有机玻璃散射屏降低电子线能量,提高皮肤表面剂量。用热释光剂量计进行5人次18个解剖部位的剂量监测,治疗周剂量500~600cGy,总量3000cGy。结果全身皮肤电子线照射对各期皮肤T-细胞淋巴瘤均有良好
病例报告患者19岁,男,来自阿拉伯农村,因肝大入院。住院前两年中曾有间歇性上腹疼。住院时右肋缘下8cm 肝可触及,其余的检查均属正常。血红蛋白为14gdl~(-1),网状细胞2.2%,