Detection and Comparison of Pathogen of Virus Disease in Pumpkin by RT-PCR and IC-PCR

来源 :东北农业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w0520
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Two kinds of methods RT-PCR and IC-PCR were used to detect pathogen of virus disease of pumpkin and the sensitivity of the two methods was compared. The results showed that PRSV-W and CMV were detected in diseased samples gathered in Yunnan Province, while WMV and CMV were detected in diseased samples gathered in Heilongjiang Province. The sensitivity of RT-PCR is higher than that of IC-PCR, but the effect of IC-PCR in the specialization of bonding reaction and requisition for experiment material is better than that of RT-PCR.
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