Total Synthesis of (-)-Kaerophyllin,(-)-Hinokinin and (±)-Isohinokinin

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hqianhua
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A convenient and rapid approach for the syntheses of (-)-kaerophyllin (1),(-)-hinokinin (2) and (±)-isohinokinin (3) was described. The key steps were involved in condensation of aromatic aldehyde and alkylation of the resulting ester to give the complete skeleton of dibenzylbutyrolactone-lignan. Hydrolysis,followed by resolution with quinine,reduction and when appropriate,oxidation gave the title compound. The asymmetric total synthesis of the kaerophyllin (1) was reported for the first time. The key steps were involved in the condensation of aromatic aldehyde and alkylation (2) and (±) -isohinokinin (3) were described. of the resulting ester to give the complete skeleton of dibenzylbutyrolactone-lignan. Hydrolysis, followed by resolution with quinine, reduction and when appropriate, oxidation gave the title compound. The asymmetric total synthesis of the kaerophyllin (1) was reported for the first time.
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