WTO Accession,Challenges and Opportunities for China's Service Industry Division of Development

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The State CouncilOne.. China’s Service Industry: solid basis laid for all round opening upService industry is one of the areas that China opens to the outside world. Even before China’s WTO entry, the area was already open up although in a gradual manner and not as early and wide as in the manufacturing industries. Generally speaking, higher degrees of openness was seen in such services as cross boarder payment, overseas consumption and natural human flows while restrictions were applied in some of the key aspects such as permission to enter operation in China, ways of The State CouncilOne .. China’s Service Industry: solid basis laid for all round opening upService industry is one of the areas that China opens to the outside world. Even before China’s WTO entry, the area was already open up although in a gradual manner and not as early and wide as in the manufacturing industries. Generally speaking, higher degrees of openness was seen in such services as cross boarder payment, overseas consumption and natural human flows while restricting were applied in some of the key aspects such as permission to enter operation in China, ways of
摘要:多媒体具有多样性、集成性、交互性、实时性,将文字、图形、动画、视频、声音等多种信息加工组合在一起来呈现知识信息。它以图文并茂,声像俱佳,动静皆宜的表现形式,将课堂教学引入全新的境界。充分、形象地模拟教学环境,大大增强人们对抽象事物与过程的理解与感受。它把一种全新的教学理念引入到课堂,使得教学内容、方法、手段、过程发生了深刻的变化,达到更好的教学效果,使学习的效果达到最优化。  关键词:多媒体
一  夕阳西下。在落日的余晖中,法国梧桐坠落地面的秋叶呈现出一派圣洁的金黄。一老一小携手走在落叶上,踏出一地诗意的脆响——从那一连串的窸窸窣窣里,你能听出光阴的穿梭,听出生命的跫音,听出万物的轮回……  外婆背着我的书包,牵着我的手,不时地转头面向我,给我一个暖暖的笑容。她已进入暮年,岁月在她的脸上留下了沧桑的印记。我无法接受她一天天老去,总是幻想着能让她永葆青春。我蓦然想起电视上那些神奇的化妆品
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