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2007年是南昌小蓝经济开发区成立五周年,也是南昌小蓝经济开发区重大项目推进年。一年来,全区上下深入学习贯彻党的十七大精神,全面落实科学发展观,认真应对宏观环境趋紧、要素制约加大、发展平台更高的新形势,成功战胜突如其来的罕见雨雪冰冻自然灾害,全力实施“重大项目推进年”活动,主攻重大项目,壮大产业集群,优化软硬环境,实现了全区经济社会又好又快发展。2008年,我们将以“创业富民、创新发展”为新动力,思想再解放,思路再创新,措施再强化,作风再深入,使小蓝经济开发区站在新起点,谋求新发展,实现新跨越。 2007 is the fifth anniversary of the establishment of Xiaolan Economic Development Zone in Nanchang. It is also a major project for the promotion of Xiaolan Economic Development Zone in Nanchang. In the past year, the entire district has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the CPC, fully implemented the scientific concept of development, conscientiously responded to the new situation of tighter macroeconomic conditions, more restrictive factors and a higher platform for the development and successfully defeated the sudden rare snow and ice freeze Natural disasters, fully implement the “major projects to promote the” activities, the main attack on major projects, expanding industrial clusters, optimizing the hardware and software environment, to achieve the region’s sound and rapid economic and social development. In 2008, we will take “entrepreneurship, enriching the people and innovation and development” as the new impetus, re-liberating our minds, re-creating our ideas, re-strengthening our measures and deepening our style of work so that Xiao-Lan Economic Development Zone will stand at a new starting point and seek new development. To achieve a new leap forward.
党的十八大以来,我们党顺应党心民意,坚持党要管党、从严治党,以猛药去疴、重典治乱的决心,以刮骨疗毒、壮士断腕的勇气,深入推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,不断以反腐倡廉的新进展新成效取信于民。  基础不牢,地动山摇  市县领导机关、领导干部和基层单位,同人民群众的联系更直接,其不良作风更直接损害群众利益、伤害群众感情,长期蓄积起来,就必然侵蚀党执政的群众基础。  ——《在党的群众路线教育实践活动第一批
吃下IBM PC后,联想一举在全球建立起一个年出货量超过1390万台的电脑王国,在世界上每天在100多个国家和地区、用10几种语言,共有2.1万名员工在支撑和运转着这个庞大组织.