,Tunable charge density wave in TiS3 nanoribbons

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feicuisenlinviolet
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Recently,modifications of charge density wave (CDW) in two-dimensional (2D) show intriguing properties in quasi-2D materials such as layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs).Optical,electrical transport measurements and scanning tunneling microscopy uncover the enormous difference on the many-body states when the thickness is reduced down to monolayer.However,the CDW in quasi-one-dimensional (1D) materials like transition metal trichalcogenides (TMTCs) is yet to be explored in low dimension whose mechanism is likely distinct from their quasi-2D counterparts.Here,we report a systematic study on the CDW properties of titanium trisulfide (TiS3).Two phase transition temperatures were observed to decrease from 53 K (103 K) to 46 K (85 K) for the bulk and < 15-nm thick nanoribbon,respectively,which arises from the increased fluctuation effect across the chain in the nanoribbon structure,thereby destroying the CDW coherence.It also suggests a strong anisotropy of CDW states in quasi-lD TMTCs which is different from that in TMDCs.Remarkably,by using back gate of-30 V ~ 70 V in 15-nm device,we can tune the second transition temperature from 110 K (at-30 V) to 93 K (at 70 V) owing to the altered electron concentration.Finally,the optical approach through the impinging of laser beams on the sample surface is exploited to manipulate the CDW transition,where the melting of the CDW states shows a strong dependence on the excitation energy.Our results demonstrate TiS3 as a promising quasi-1D CDW material and open up a new window for the study of collective phases in TMTCs.
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