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《灵芝——健康食品之冠》一书,是山西大学生物教授刘波等人根据自己多年的研究成果和参考国内外最新经验与有关文献资料著成的新书。本书深入浅出、惜墨如金地介绍了灵芝的形态特征、生态史、宏效成份、栽培方法、灵芝的家族及其佼佼者等十大方面的内容。书中科学地论述了:灵芝除了对于人类三大死因的癌症、脑溢血、心脏病均有疗效外,且对治疗胃肠、肝脏、肾脏、白血病、慢性支气管、哮喘、神经衰弱、血压病、强精、消炎、镇痛、抗菌、解毒、利尿、便秘、消除皱纹、褐斑、避免青春豆、减肥都有显著疗效,还能美容,……更为难能可贵的是:本书作者首次公开了包括灵芝胶囊、灵芝液、灵芝蜂王浆、灵芝酒、灵芝鸡尾酒、灵芝柠檬水、灵芝荸荠解暑饮料、灵芝果浆、灵芝粟羊羹、灵芝酱油、灵芝醋等十多种补 “Ganoderma - the crown of health food,” a book, is a professor of biology at Shanxi University, Liu Bo and others based on their many years of research and reference to the latest experience at home and abroad with the relevant literature and information into a new book. This book explains profound theories in simple language, but unfortunately ink introduced the ten characteristics of Ganoderma lucidum morphological characteristics, ecological history, macroeconomic ingredients, cultivation methods, Ganoderma lucidum family and its leader in ten aspects. The book scientifically states: Ganoderma lucidum in addition to the three major causes of human cancer, stroke, heart disease are effective, and for the treatment of gastrointestinal, liver, kidney, leukemia, chronic bronchitis, asthma, neurasthenia, blood pressure, strong Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, detoxification, diuretic, constipation, eliminate wrinkles, brown spots, avoid youth beans, weight loss has a significant effect, but also beauty, ... More commendable is: the author of this book for the first time, including Ganoderma lucidum capsules, Ganoderma lucidum liquid, Ganoderma lucidum royal jelly, Ganoderma wine, Ganoderma lucidum cocktail, Ganoderma lucidum lemonade, Ganoderma lucidum water heat drinks, Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma millet soup, Ganoderma lucidum soy sauce,
本研究结果表明,在土壤有机质含量2.25%~2.35%,土壤水分条件较好的情况下,不同浓度的赛克津除草剂进行土壤处理对大豆种子发芽和幼苗出土均无影响。施量高于0.25 kg/ha的各浓度
在内蒙古大兴安岭林区向阳或半向阳处的林缘、山坡、路旁、草地、稀疏灌丛及河岸,生长着毛莨科的多年生草本植物白头翁,它是这一地区春季开放较早的野花. Inner Mongolia,