The optical properties of Tm~(3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_(32) single crystal

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:firelord128
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Tm~(3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_(32) single crystal with high optical quality was grown by an improved Bridgman method. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters ?_t(t=2, 4, 6) were calculated according to the measured absorption spectra and physical-chemical properties of the obtained Na_5Lu_9F_(32) single crystal. The stimulated emission cross-section of the ~3F_4→~3H_6 transition(~1.8 μm) is 0.35×10~(-20) cm~2 for Tm~(3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_(32) single crystal. The emission spectra under the excitation of 790 nm laser diode(LD) and fluorescence lifetime at 1.8 μm were measured to reveal the fluorescence properties of Tm~(3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_(32) single crystal. The research results show that the Tm~(3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_(32) single crystal has larger stimulated emission cross-section compared with other crystals. All these spectral properties suggest that this kind of Tm~(3+)doped Na_5Lu_9F_(32) crystal with high physical-chemical stability and high-efficiency emission at 1.8 μm may be used as potential laser materials for optical devices. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters? _t (t = 2, 4, 6) were calculated according to the measured absorption spectra. Tm ~ (3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_ (32) single crystal with high optical quality was grown by an improved Bridgman method and the physical-chemical properties of the obtained Na_5Lu_9F_ (32) single crystal. The stimulated emission cross-section of ~ 3F_4 → ~ 3H_6 transition (~1.8 μm) is 0.35 × 10 ~ (-20) cm ~ 2 for Tm ~ The emission spectra under the excitation of 790 nm laser diode (LD) and the fluorescence lifetime at 1.8 μm were measured to reveal the fluorescence properties of Tm ~ (3 +) doped Na_5Lu_9F_ (32) doped Na_5Lu_9F_ (32) single crystal. single crystal. The research results show that the Tm ~ (3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_ (32) single crystal has larger stimulated emission cross-section compared with other crystals. All these spectral properties suggest that this kind of Tm ~ (3+) doped Na_5Lu_9F_ (32) crystal with high physical-chemical stability and high-efficiency emission at 1.8 μm may be used a s potential laser materials for optical devices.
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