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您问我这些年当项目经理的感觉如何。不瞒您说,就是一个字儿:累。眼下,我们北京建工集团一建公司项目承包公司第19项目经理部30多名管理人员,分散在历史博物馆、龙潭西里、马家堡三个工地上。每天从早到晚要在工地上盯十四五个钟头,甭说我这个56岁的人啦,就连二三十岁的小伙子也吃不消。我常对大伙儿说:“吃‘建筑’这碗饭,挣的就是辛苦钱,咱不付出哪来收获呢。”可话又说回来,搞建筑的吃点儿苦受点儿累不算啥,关键是肩上的责任重大,让人吃不香睡不着。管理一个工地,承接一个项目,说起来简单,实际上劳心费神的事儿多了去啦。工期、质量、成本、安全、环保等等,哪个环节稍不留神,就会捅个大漏子。1999年初,我们项目部承接了建国50周年重点工程——历史博物馆维修改造任务。按计划4月1日进场,8月中旬必须完工。但由于诸多客观原因,进场时间整整推迟了1个月。工期缩短了,可任务没有减少,质量不能降低,我的思想压力可大了。您想想,这是建国50周年的庆典工程,哪能耽误呀。那些日子,我一面巧排施工方案,一面调集精兵强将24小时连轴转。博物馆两廊有58根高26米的方形立柱,外表由20公分厚的混凝土浇铸而成。要把这些钢筋水泥剔掉重新装修,还不能伤及立柱内部,只有用小锤和钢钎一点一点往下剔。整整10天,每天用坏的钢钎就达5000多根,工人们的手都震裂了。没有这点儿精神,怎么能啃下这块硬骨头。 You asked me how I felt when I was a project manager. If you say it, it’s just one word: tired. Right now, our Beijing Construction Engineering Group has built more than 30 managers of the 19th project management department of the company’s project contracting company, scattered among the history museum, Longtan Xili and Majiapu. Every day from morning to night, I would stare at the site for fourteen and five hours. He said that I was 56 years old and even the young man in his 20s and 30s couldn’t eat too much. I often say to everybody: “Eat ’Building’ this bowl of rice, earning a hard-won money and earning nothing.” But then again, it was a bit of a pain to eat in the building. The key is that the responsibility on the shoulder is heavy, and people can’t sleep without eating. To manage a construction site and undertake a project, it’s easy to say, but it’s actually a lot of hard work. Periods, quality, costs, safety, environmental protection, etc., which links are slightly inattentive, will lead to a big leak. At the beginning of 1999, our project department undertook the key project of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China - the maintenance and reconstruction of the history museum. According to the plan to enter the stadium on April 1, it must be completed in mid-August. However, because of many objective reasons, the time for entering the court was delayed by one month. The construction period has been shortened, the tasks have not been reduced, the quality cannot be reduced, and my ideological pressure can be great. If you think about it, this is a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. How can this be delayed? In those days, I was cooperating on the construction plan and mobilizing the elite soldiers to make a 24-hour rotation. The two museum galleries have 58 square pillars with a height of 26 meters and the exterior is cast from 20 centimeters thick concrete. To remove and re-decorate these reinforced concrete can not hurt the interior of the column, only with a small hammer and steel drill bit by bit down. A total of more than 5,000 roots were used every day for 10 days. Workers’ hands were shattered. Without this spirit, how can this hard bone be taken down?
6月14日,一辆满载麦秆的农用车驶进了莱州市亭子村草制品厂,麦秆经过检验、过秤后,农民邹福松手中多了2600元! 在农村,忙完夏收后,田地里、街道旁,大量麦秆得不到有效利用。
没有哪个车厂能像别克这样多产而迅捷。去年在别克世纪的生产线上下来了别克 GL8多用车,现在又出了小赛欧(SAIL)。赛欧属于 A0级轿车,但是它在同级别车里算是拔尖的。比如,