
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rundahe
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光袖珍椰子喜半阴,夏季需遮荫50%左右,切忌曝晒。光线太强,叶片会变黄,出现焦叶。严重时会发生日灼病,失去观赏价值。冬季在温室栽培可不遮荫。如长期置于过于阴暗处,叶色会变淡,光泽度减弱,最好每天早上有2小时日光浴。温它较耐高温,适生温度为20~30℃,冬季休眠,最低温度须在10℃以上,夜间温度以12~14℃为宜,过低易受冻害。水春夏秋三季要有充足的水分,并需经常向叶面及植株周围喷水,以防叶面干燥、卷曲、无光泽,防止植株过于干旱;冬季微潮偏干即可,但要少浇,否则易冻坏及烂根。照生长期间每半月施肥一次,结合叶面喷肥效果更好。如缺肥,叶片呈淡黄色,肥料中氮、磷的比例出1.5:1.2为宜;施肥不宜过浓过多,使株商控制在40~60厘米间:从秋季开始应少施或停施肥料。 Light palm coconut hi semi-shade, shading about 50% summer, avoid exposure. The light is too strong, the leaves turn yellow, and the coke leaves appear. Severe sunburn occurs, loss of ornamental value. Winter cultivation in the greenhouse can not shade. If long-term exposure to the shade, the leaf color will be faded, weakened gloss, preferably 2 hours a day in the morning sunbathing. Temperature it is more resistant to high temperature, suitable temperature for 20 ~ 30 ℃, winter dormancy, the minimum temperature must be above 10 ℃, night temperature to 12 ~ 14 ℃ is appropriate, too low susceptible to frost damage. Water, spring, summer and autumn should have sufficient moisture in the three seasons, and leaves and plants must be sprayed regularly around the leaves to prevent the leaves from drying, curling and dull, preventing the plants from becoming overly dry. Pouring, otherwise easy to freeze bad and rotten roots. According to half a month during the fertilization time, combined with foliar spray better. Such as lack of fertilizer, the leaves were light yellow, fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus ratio of 1.5: 1.2 is appropriate; fertilization should not be too much too thick, so that manufacturers control 40 to 60 cm: from the beginning of autumn should be less or stopped fertilizer.