
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwren
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用本法提取黄连素,小檗碱的收率和含量较高,现介绍如下。一、原料准备我们到黔西山区,经过当地贫下中农、药工人员的帮助,认识了数种提取黄连素的原料,并进行现地勘察和鉴定。经过多次试验比较,认为刺红珠(又名刺果、小三颗针)的小檗碱含量较高,其根呈金黄色,味极苦,采来后将根切成片,待浸泡。二、提取方法 1.修建浸泡池。以砖、石、水泥做建池材料,规格大小按生产需要而定。我们砌成的浸泡池是:长2米,宽2米,深1.5米。可选择在斜坡地形上,依坡度梯次砌成上、中、下三个等大连接的水池。下池上缘与中池 Extract berberine by this method, berberine yield and content are higher, are presented below. I. Preparation of raw materials We went to mountainous areas in western Guizhou, and through the help of the poor and middle-level peasants and medical workers in the region, we met several kinds of raw materials for the extraction of berberine and conducted spot investigation and appraisal. After many trials and comparison, that stab the red beads (also known as thorn fruit, small three needles) berberine content is higher, the root was golden yellow, very bitter taste, after the harvest will be cut into pieces, to be soaked. Second, the extraction method 1 to build soak pool. To brick, stone, cement to build pool material, size according to production needs. We soak into the pool is: 2 meters long, 2 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep. Can choose the topography of the slope, according to the slope of the erection of the ladder, the middle and lower three large connected pool. Under the pool on the edge and the pool
张东辉在上海开了间格子铺,将十几平方米的空间分隔成大大小小规格不等的立体小橱窗,每个橱窗的租金根据其不同的位置及大小收取,平均月租为100元。 Zhang Tung-hui opened
本品为唇形科(Labiatae)植物薄荷。(Mentha arvensis L.)的干燥叶和茎为药用,主要用叶。本省的薄荷出产,历史很久,早在唐本草就有记载,明李时珍谓:“苏州所莳者茎小而气香,
刺绣收藏家张英俊 山西闻喜县博物馆馆长张英俊是一位享誉收藏界的刺绣收藏家。张英俊受父亲的影响,自幼就对绘画艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣,后来渐渐地迷上了线条夸张、形象生动