Microarray analysis of PBMC after Plasmodium falciparum infection:molecular insights into disease pa

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong598
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Objective:To find out host gene expression profiles after malarial infection.Methods:Further time-course microarray analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells focusing on malaria pathogenesis was performed.Results:Up-rcgulation of coagulation-related genes,heal shock proteins,glycolytic enzymes,glucose transporters,and vacuolar H~+-ATPascs was found in acute febrile malaria.In early malaria,prior to detectable parasitemia,CD36 and ICAM1 were up-regulated.During acute malaria,there is correlation between IL-1β and heal shock proteins.CD163,a hemoglobin scavenger receptor,was up-regulated in acute malaria to potentially facilitate free hemoglobin up-takc by leukocytes.In acute malaria,high MafB gene expression was negatively correlated with hemoglobin and platelet counts.Consistent with hemoglobin down-regulation,peripheral red blood cell counts tended to increase during acute malaria.Up-regulations of red blood cell and leucocyte binding mediators like CD36.ICAM1,thrombospondin and thrombomodulin may contribute to the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria.Similarly,up-regulation of correlated glycolytic enzymes,glucose transporter and H~+-ATPases may contribute to the hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis frequently observed in serious malaria patients.Overall gender effects on gene expression profiles between male and female were not apparent,except for some hemoglobins were significantly downregulated in male versus female,which suggesting males are prone to malaria-related anemia.Conclusions:Leucocyte gene expression profiles can explain the pathogenesis of malarial complication such as fever,metabolic acidosis,hypoglycemia,anemia,and coagulopathy. Objective: To find out host gene expression profiles after malarial infection. Methods: Further time-course microarray analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells focusing on malaria pathogenesis was done. Results: Up-rcgulation of coagulation-related genes, heal shock proteins, glycolytic enzymes , glucose transporters, and vacuolar H ~ + -ATPascs was found in acute febrile malaria. In early malaria, prior to detectable parasitemia, CD36 and ICAM1 were up-regulated. With acute malaria, there is a correlation between IL-1β and heal shock proteins .CD163, a hemoglobin scavenger receptor, was up-regulated in acute malaria to potentially facilitate free hemoglobin up-takc by leukocytes. In acute malaria, high MafB gene expression was negatively correlated with hemoglobin and platelet counts. Consistent with hemoglobin down-regulation, peripheral red blood cell counts tended to increase during acute malaria. Up-regulations of red blood cell and leucocyte binding mediators like CD36. ICAM1, thrombospondin and Thrombomodulin may contribute to the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria. Similar, up-regulation of correlated glycolytic enzymes, glucose transporter and H ~ + -ATPases may contribute to the hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis frequently observed in serious malaria patients. Overall Gender Effects on gene expression profiles between male and female were not apparent, except for some hemoglobins were significantly downregulated in male versus female, which suggests males are prone to malaria-related anemia. Conclusions: Leucocyte gene expression profiles can explain the pathogenesis of malarial complication such as fever, metabolic acidosis , hypoglycemia, anemia, and coagulopathy.
男人啊,总是该领会时不领会,不该领会时瞎领会……最近火上得有点儿大,脸从发面馒头变成了海南菠萝,小痘痘星罗棋布。早上向老公索吻时,老公捧着我的脸沉默了足有一分钟, Ma
<正> 我院王联、史哲、叶海林合作编写的《南亚上空的蘑菇云——印巴核试验的前前后后》一书于1998年9月由新华出版社出版。 作为新华出版社“国际热点报告文丛”之一,本书着眼于对事件本身的分析和介绍:描述了印巴核试验的全过程,分析了印度进行核试验的真实意图,并试图从印巴对峙的
一般酒会和茶会的时间很长,大约都有在两小时以上。也许逛了几圈,认得一些人后,你很快就想离开了。这时候,中途离席的一些,技巧,你不能不了解。  中途离开酒会现场,一定要向邀请你来的主人说明、致歉,不可一溜烟便不见了。和主人打过招呼,应该马上就走,不要拉着主人在大门大聊个没完。因为当天对方要做的事很多,现场也还有许多客人等待他(她)去招呼。你占了主人太多时间,会造成他(她)在其他客人面前失礼。  有些
例1 男,45岁.左腰部闷痛1个月余,无尿频、尿急等尿道刺激症状,无血尿.经超声检查发现左肾肿物.实验室检查未见异常。