Theil Utility Based Multi-Device Cooperation Mechanism for Service Quality Equilibrium in Ubiquitous

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abubob
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An approach to make heterogeneous devices cooperate with each other to provide ubiquitous service remains a longstanding challenge in ubiquitous environments. In addition, when multi-user request ubiquitous services simultaneously, the arbitrariness in resource allocation process easily leads to non-equilibrium of qualities of multiuser’s services. Thus, How to design an effective heterogeneous devices cooperation mechanism that meet the QoS requirements and also equilibrate QoS among multi-user’s services becomes a very tough problem. In the paper, Equilibrium Index and Theil Utility function are imported to establish a multidevice equilibrium cooperation model, which is benefit for resource allocation in ubiquitous environments. Then a Theil-Equilibrium based Cooperation Mechanism for multi-service is proposed. Firstly, in order to simplify calculating, a dimensionless processing is introduced. After that, a cooperation approach with Theil-Utility Heuristic algorithm is designed to choose the best solution for the simplified model. At last, the mechanism is simulated in a smart home scenario. The simulation results show that this mechanism outperforms non-equilibrium method by improving almost 40% in internal equilibrium with just reducing 0-2% in the total utility ofall the requested ubiquitous services. These data show that the proposed mechanism performs well in equilibrating qualities of multi-user’s ubiquitous services. An approach to make heterogeneous devices cooperate with each other to provide ubiquitous service remains a longstanding challenge in ubiquitous environments. services, thus to design an effective heterogeneous device cooperation mechanism that meets the QoS requirements and also equilibrate QoS among multi-user’s services becomes a very tough problem. In the paper, Equilibrium Index and the Utility Utility are imported to establish a multidevice equilibrium It is benefit for resource allocation in ubiquitous environments. Then a, in order to simplify calculating, a dimensionless processing is introduced. After that, a cooperation approach with Theil -Utility Heuristic algorithm is designed to c At last, the mechanism is simulated in a smart home scenario. The simulation results show this this mechanism outperforms non-equilibrium method by improving almost 40% in internal equilibrium with just reducing 0-2% in the total utility ofall the requested ubiquitous services. These data show that the proposed mechanism performs well and equilibrating qualities of multi-user’s ubiquitous services.
例 1 :男 ,53岁 ,因上呼吸道感染入院。查体温为 38.5℃ ,实验室检查 :WBC :1 3.5× 1 0 9/L ,其余检查正常。第 1天给予青霉素 80 0万单位静滴治疗 ,症状有所改善 ,第 2天 ,为巩
患者 ,男 ,50岁。结肠癌术后于 1 998年 1 0月 2 5日入院 ,住院号 2 2 796。入院后进行化疗 ,用 5 氟脲嘧啶750mg加亚叶酸钙 30 0mg静脉给药 ,第 3天病人面部出现色素沉着 ,并逐
患者 ,男 ,55岁 ,干部 ,发现乙型肝炎 1 0余年 ,乏力 ,纳差 ,尿黄 5年 ,黑便 1月余 ,加重 1天 ,于 1 999年9月 2日第三次入院。体检 :T 36.6℃ ,P 1 0 8次 /min ,R2 0次 /min ,BP 1 5.5/
灭鼠药氟乙酰胺引起的小儿急性中毒 ,临床报道较多 ,我科曾救治 4 5例 ,现将收治的 1例心脑型病例报告如下 :患儿 ,男 ,4岁。因误食灭鼠药后腹痛 5h ,呕吐 4h ,抽搐伴不省人事
患者 ,男 ,2 2岁 ,于 1 999年 6月 2 9日因急性胰腺炎入院 ,既往有磺胺、红花油过敏史。第 1天给予西咪替丁(甲氰咪胍 ) (常州国营武进制药厂生产 ,批号 :990 4 0 5) 0 .6g加
患者, 男, 53岁, 干部, 因高血压于1998年10月9日入院. 给予口服贝那普利(洛汀新, 瑞士产, 北京诺华制药有限公司分装, 批号011600) 10 mg, qd降压治疗, 用药第4天, 患者全身
目的 检测磷酸化转录激活因子5(pSTAT5)在7株胰腺癌细胞株中的表达,观察生长激素(GH)处理SW1990细胞及其移植瘤后pSTAT5表达的变化,探讨GH的分子作用机制.方法 体外培养人胰腺癌细胞株SW1990、Cap-1、Colo、Mia、Aspc、P3、PANC1,Western blotting检测各株细胞的pSTAT5表达;收集指数生长期的SW1990细胞接种于BALB/C裸鼠,成瘤后
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