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普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)有A、B、D三个染色体组。不少人认为,A染色体组来源于一粒小麦系(Einkorn)中的野生一粒小麦(Triticum boeoticum)或其衍生种栽培一粒小麦(Triticum monococcum),D染色体组来源于节节麦[Triticum tausc-hii(Aegilops squarrosa)],而B染色体组来源问题意见尚不一致。根据前人对野生一粒小麦及栽培一粒小麦的研究结果来看,二者的染色体组型是否相似,结论尚不一致。有的认为栽培一粒小麦具有一对随体染色体,而野生一粒小麦则不具随体染色体; Triticum aestivum has A, B, D three chromosomal groups. Many people think that the A genome is derived from a wheat (Triticum boeoticum) or a derivative of Triticum monococcum in Einkorn. The D genome is derived from Triticum tausc-hii (Aegilops squarrosa)], while the source of the B genome is still not consistent. According to the results of previous studies on a wild wheat and cultivated a wheat, the two chromosomes are similar, the conclusion is not consistent. Some think cultivation of a wheat has a pair of satellite chromosomes, while a wild wheat does not have a satellite chromosome;
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为降低窄带信号对超宽带的干扰,对具有带阻特性的超宽带天线进行了研究,提出了1种对Wi MAX频段和C波段具有带阻特性的超宽带单极子天线.天线由馈电网络、缺陷型辐射贴片及部
<正> 《新闻研究资料》在1979年创刊,我也在1979年开始从事中国新闻史的学习和教学,这实在巧得很!过去的10年,《新闻研究资料》是我旅途中的亲密伙伴,案头上的良师益友。且不说它那44期1000多篇文章中包括多少著名的新闻界人物,多少重大的新闻事件,多少重要的报刊、杂志、电台、通讯社的珍贵史料,仅仅就它对我和我的同志们的关心和支持就可看出它功绩的一斑。