The grain-size distribution of the suspended particulate matter in the Huanghe Estuary and its adjac

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq53670018
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The grain-size of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Huanghe Estuary and its adjacent sea area was investigated with an in situ laser particle size analyzer (LISST-100) in November 2006.The spatial distribution of the grain-size parameters was very complicated.The results show that (1) the mean particle size of SPM ranged from 3.00Φ to 6.41Φ,with an average value of 4.66Φ;(2) the frequency distribution patterns of the SPM grain-size showed three different types,which were mono-mode,dual-mode and tri-mode,respectively;(3) C-M chart suggested that the transportation-processes of the SPM not only included suspended mode,but also the bed load transportation mode.The bed load transportation mode mainly occurred at the bottom layer.The characteristics and space distribution of SPM grain-size might be mainly controlled by sediment discharge of the Huanghe River,hydrodynamics condition,surface sediment types,and biological process within the study area. The grain-size of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Huanghe Estuary and its adjacent sea area was investigated with an in situ laser particle size analyzer (LISST-100) in November 2006. The spatial distribution of the grain-size parameters was very complicated.The results show that (1) the mean particle size of SPM ranged from 3.00Φ to 6.41Φ, with an average value of 4.66Φ; (2) the frequency distribution patterns of the SPM grain-size showed three different types, which were mono-mode, dual-mode and tri-mode, respectively; (3) CM chart suggested that the transportation-processes of the SPM not only included suspended mode but also the bed load transportation mode. bed load transportation mode at the bottom layer. These characteristics and space distribution of SPM grain-size might be mainly controlled by sediment discharge of the Huanghe River, hydrodynamics condition, surface sediment types, and biological process within the study area.
6月6日晴  天空上的白云仿佛停住了脚步,用好奇的眼光来观看这期待已久的足球比赛。  球场上闪动着男孩们矫健的英姿,他们帅气的步伐却在球场中间僵持着。足球也随之穿梭着。树边的小草随风摇曳着。摇着小脑袋仿佛说道爸爸:“怎么一直在中间僵持?”  終于李道乐的一脚,瞬间改变了这个局面,观看的女生瞪大了眼睛,连连在旁指导着。何同学杀出重围,一脚将球在半空中划出一道绚丽的弧线,球像子弹似的向球门飞去,进啦!
1  初三的时候,我1.58米,62千克。那个时候我真的是膀大腰圆,穿着松松垮垮的运动校服,似乎对美丑胖瘦没什么概念,成天几个人一起吃吃喝喝,打打闹闹,傻乐。后来一次换座位,我被调到了第一排,换了一个新同桌。    新同桌是一个白白净净的男生,戴一副眼镜,看上去特斯文。他每天随身携带一个乐扣的杯子,泡一杯立顿红茶。他起先不怎么搭理我,直到有一天我突兀地参与到他和后排男生的讨论中,他才开始和我热络起
论述了计量数据管理在企业管理中的地位,指出了计量数据管理中存在的问题和解决问题的对策。 The status of measurement data management in enterprise management is disc