An effective timing characterization method for an accuracy-proved VLSI standard cell library

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiaoxiao880523
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This paper presents a method of tailoring the characterization and modeling timing of a VLSI standard cell library. The paper also presents a method to validate the reasonability of the value through accuracy analysis.In the process of designing a standard cell library,this method is applied to characterize the cell library. In addition,the error calculations of some simple circuit path delays are compared between using the characterization file and an Hspice simulation. The comparison results demonstrate the accuracy of the generated timing library file. This paper presents a method of tailoring the characterization and modeling timing of a VLSI standard cell library. The paper also presents a method to validate the reasonability of the value through accuracy analysis. The process of designing a standard cell library, this method is applied to characterize the cell library. In addition, the error calculations of some simple circuit path delays are comparing between using the characterization file and an Hspice simulation. The comparison results demonstrate the accuracy of the generated timing library file.
A 1.3-μm 1 4 MMI coupler is designed and fabricated on an InP substrate based on a shallow etched waveguide structure. Tapered input/output waveguides and a be
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