Using game teaching method to construct English class for preschool children

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  【Abstract】This paper discusses how to use the game teaching method to construct the English class for pre-school children connecting with the teaching practice, starting from the concept and advantages of the game teaching method, and combining the teaching objectives of “English for children”, to realize the teaching objective of satisfying the professional needs of students.
  【Key words】game teaching method; preschool English major
  【作者簡介】Yan fang, Jingzhou Educational Institue.
  With the rapid development of education in preschool education in China, it has become the first choice for the establishment of various special kindergartens, among which there are many bilingual kindergartens. English classes for children in kindergartens are required special courses for bilingual kindergartens. The development of curriculum depends on the quantity of the teachers. Preschool English is a compulsory course for pre-school students of education major in higher vocational colleges, and it is also a special course for pre-school education major. However, the current situation we are facing is that in the traditional teaching mode, children’s English class is still in the teaching of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and sentence patterns. It only focuses on students’ English language quality and ignores that students are about to be the teachers and use what they have learned to teach children English. Facing this situation, as the teacher who undertakes the course of “English for children”, it is necessary to innovate and reform the teaching from the perspective of students’ professional needs, so as to stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of preschool students in learning and using English, and cultivate and improve their English professional ability.
  Next, the author combines the teaching practice of preschool English with the readers to discuss how to use the game teaching method to construct the new English classroom for preschool children.
  I. The advantages of game teaching method
  As a combination of “game” and “teaching”, “game teaching” is a new and effective teaching method, and it is also the most common teaching method in kindergartens. It is taught in the form of games, which can greatly arouse students’ interest in learning and desire for knowledge, and enable them to learn the contents of the textbook unconsciously in a lively atmosphere, in a happy and quick activity, and in a fierce competition.   Compared with the traditional teaching method, using game teaching method to carry out English teaching can activate the classroom and stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm. The best motivation for learning is that students have an intrinsic interest in what they are learning, and the best way to stimulate the interest is through games, said by American psychologist John bruner. Compared with college English in the public course, the teaching content of children’s English is much simpler. It can be said that the vocabulary of children’s English is only in the scope of junior middle school learning, and at the same time, the learning of grammar and sentence patterns is only emphasized. For such a simple learning content, if the teaching teachers is still with the guide of the textbook, “English for children” will be in a dilemma. The current teaching situation requires us to use the game teaching method to construct the English class for preschool children in the process of classroom organization of preschool children’s English, so as to arouse the enthusiasm of students and make them actively participate in the teaching environment.
  II. Teaching objectives of English for children
  According to the teaching requirements, in the teaching arrangement, the teacher let students understand the teaching purpose and tasks of this course. Children English comprehensively systematically expounds the theoretical basis of children’s English teaching, the basic principles and teacher training requirements and goals, and based on the characteristics of higher vocational college education pays attention to practice, combining with rich training activities, to help students master the basic organization of children’s English teaching activity methods and techniques, and enables students to use scientific theory knowledge, develop children’s English teaching practice effectively. Through learning of this course, students should understand the basic theory of children’s English teaching and the psychological characteristics of children’s language learning, understanding of preschool English teachers’ basic quality requirements, to master the basic principles of children’s English education and basic methods, familiar with early childhood bilingual education activity, and the ability of using theory of scientific knowledge, determine the specific teaching goal, independent child English lesson plan design, proper selection and use of a variety of children’s English education resources, through classroom teaching, game activities, children’s songs, stories, teaching and the way of infiltration activities, organize and guide the children’s English teaching activities, In this way, students will be trained as innovative English teachers with new ideas, strong ability and solid basic teaching skills.   III. The combination of children’s English and game teaching method
  “English for children” begins one semester, once a week and two periods at a time. It also includes two weeks of student internship in the kindergarten in this term. So, it’s not long. In the limited time, how to start from the existing textbooks to analyzing and designing games is very important. Students can be taught practical vocational English. These are the problems that the author are thinking in the teaching process. The author adopts the teaching model of combining theory teaching, classroom simulation and practical training in teaching. Out from classroom teaching and the importance to develop with kindergarten education teaching learning is closely related to the various forms of activities for the classroom simulation, using “speaking practice combination”, “more earnestly practice”, at the same time with the classic case teaching, heuristic, discussion-based, found that the type, the exploratory teaching method, the integration of production, study and explore the practice teaching plan.
  When teaching the words of color, the author tried to simulate the teaching plan to stimulate students’ thought. The author introduces the game “little magician” in class. Before class, the author prepared 13 clean bottles, which contained half a bottle of clean water. On each bottle cap, I carefully applied watercolor paint. “It’s clean. I am a magician. I can change its color. Shake, Shake, Shake. Wow, what’s color is It?”” The student said the English word of the color. The students are very interested in the “magic”. After the demonstration of two or three colors, I asked the students to perform on stage. The requirement is that the whole game must be organized in English, and the students below can be guided to repeat the color words. Repeat the words of each color when all the colors are presented to the students. This is a demonstration of children’s English class. In the process of instructing students to complete teaching tasks, it is actually a process of enhancing students’ confidence. The simple English class organization language and the interesting game activity form not only have attracted the student’s attention but also has greatly raised the student’s interest, the students also can lift a lesson from the beginning to apply the game to their child’s English class.
  The teaching practice has proved that using game teaching method to construct preschool child English new course has greatly stimulated the students’ learning interest and enthusiasm, it broke through the disadvantages of traditional teaching method. It not only let the children’s English classr truly “live” rise but promote the efficient output English class, creating the pre-school education professional English class with real characteristics.
一、析教材  本课选自高等教育出版社教材《英语1(基础模块)》。基于大纲的课程任务——培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力;根据大纲要求能运用的两项交际功能“询问与提供信息”和“讨价还价”;结合职业教育“五个对接”中“专业与产业、职业岗位对接”的要求,定位教学内容为“描述商品价格信息”。  二、说学情  授课对象为电子商务专业高一年级学生。他们活跃且好奇心强、乐于接受新鲜事物、善于运用信息
【摘要】随着现代化信息技术的发展和普及,网络技术逐渐被大众所接受和熟知;当前许多高校将网络信息技术引入大学英语课堂,特别是广泛使用教学型APP进行各种辅助教学、网络试题库进行在线测试,将线上与线下结合进行大学英语课程教学。本文对线上教学和线下教学的优势与弊端进行分析并探讨如何将两者的优势结合,最大化提升大学英语教学质量,提高大学生的英语实际应用能力。  【关键词】线上与线下教学结合;大学英语;在线
【摘要】本文根据初中英语教学情况,阐述了在初中英语教学过程中运用分层教学方法的积极意义,以人教版go for it为例,探讨了在初中英语教学中分层教学方式运用实践的举措,希望以此为广大读者提供参考。  【关键词】分层教学法;初中英语教学;积极意义;应用实践  新课程改革背景下,分层教学方法诞生了,其是一种非常有效的教学方法,不但可以将学生学习兴趣激发出来,而且还可以提升学生课堂参与主动性与积极性,
【摘要】倡导自主学习的方式可以有效改变学生在英语学习的过程中的被动状态,激发学生强烈的学习兴趣,使学生能够深入的了解并掌握英语的教学内容。本文基于自主学习能力培养的重要性,探讨了提高初中英语教学中学生自主能力的措施。  【关键词】初中英语;自学能力;培养  【作者简介】王月梅,江苏省泗阳致远中学。  倡导自主学习的方式可以有效改变学生在英语学习的过程中的被动状态,激发学生强烈的学习兴趣,使学生能够
【摘要】由于as一词在中学课本中出现的较为分散,但在高考中出现频率极高。因此,本文将as在句中的各类用法加以梳理并概述,旨在使学生能对该词有较为系统和全面的认识,并能在高考中做到灵活运用。  【关键词】as;状语从句;倒装句;定语从句  一、引导状语从句  1.引导时间状语从句。意为“当……时,随着”。  例句:As she grew older she gained in confidence.
【摘要】随着我国计算机科学的日益发展,互联网的应用范围正在逐渐扩大,进一步推动了网络信息技术在教学过程中的应用。与此同时,“互联网 ”时代的到来,对高校翻译教学提出了更高的人才培养要求。本文从“互联网 ”的特征出发,对比传统的翻译课堂,提出“互联网 ”背景下的翻译教学新模式。  【关键词】互联网 ;翻译教学  【作者简介】但玉(1986.10-),女,湖北咸宁人,武汉工商学院,硕士,讲师,研究方向
【摘要】合作是人际关系的形式之一。这是一个个人和团体成员共同努力实现共同目标的过程。由于经济全球化,各国间经济、政治、文化及教育等领域交流与合作的发展,为了适应时代的需要,使学生学会合作学习并从中培养团队精神已成为新世纪学校教育的主要目标之一。  【关键词】课堂教学;合作能力;培养  【作者简介】徐琳,王晓红,渤海大学外国语学院。  21世纪的教育应该围绕“四大支柱”展开。他们是:学会认识,学会做
教材分析:本案例选自牛津英语Unit 8 Fashion (Reading)。该课属于阅读第一课时,利用课件,将教材内容加以结合,借鉴适当的教学方法和教学手段,是学生对“时尚”这一话题有所了解,并能通过文章内容的学习来描述不同情境下的相关话题。本节课采取分组学习以及小组合作的方式来展开课堂。  教学目标:能使用泛读和精读的技巧快速提取文章信息;能学以致用来描述自己以及同伴的服装风格。  教学重难点
【摘要】初中英语教学不仅仅是开展一门语言科目,传授语言知识,更需要教师和学生之间的进行直接的情感交流,这种交流越流畅,越深入,教学效果越理想,越成功。  【关键词】初中;英语课堂; 情感教学  初中英语教学不仅仅是开展一门语言科目,传授语言知识,更需要教师和学生之间的进行直接的情感交流,这种交流越流畅,越深入,教学效果越理想,越成功。教师在教学过程中恰如其分的运用情感教育方法,可以调动学生学习积极