A Study on the Ultrasonic Extraction and Physicochemical Properties of Selfheal Pigment

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dota1231
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[Objectives] To explore a new method of ultrasound-assisted extraction of selfheal pigment as well as pigment stability.[Methods] Taking ultrasound-assisted extraction of selfheal pigment by single-factor and orthogonal experiment,the optimum process conditions were determined,and the stability of pigment was studied.[Results] The optimal extraction conditions were as follows: ultrasound-assisted power of 140W; extraction time of 40 min; extraction temperature of 70℃; distilled water as extraction reagent; liquid-solid ratio of 1: 20(g:mL). Selfheal pigment stability under light was good;thermal stability is poor; food additives had small effect on the stability; it was stable at room temperature,and the degradation was accelerated with rising temperature; the resistance to reduction is good while the resistance to oxidation is poor; K~+,Na~+,Mg~(2+) and Ga~(2+) almost had no effect on the pigment,while Zn~(2+),Ba~(2+),Fe~(3+) and Cu~(2+) affected the stability to some extent.[Conclusions]The method shortened the extraction time of pigment,and it was more effective and economical. [Objectives] To explore a new method of ultrasound-assisted extraction of selfheal pigment as well as pigment stability. [Methods] Taking ultrasound-assisted extraction of selfheal pigment by single-factor and orthogonal experiment, the optimum process conditions were determined, and the extraction time of 40 min; extraction temperature of 70 ° C .; distilled water as extraction reagent; liquid-solid ratio of 1: 20 (g: mL). Selfheal pigment stability under light was good; thermal stability is poor; food additives had small effect on the stability; it was stable at room temperature, and the degradation was accelerated with rising temperature; the resistance to reduction is good while the resistance to oxidation is poor; K ~ +, Na ~ +, Mg ~ (2+) and Ga ~ (2+) almost had no effect on the pigment, while Zn ~ (2+), Ba ~ ), Fe ~ (3+) and Cu ~ (2+) affected the stability to some extent. [Conclu sions] The method shortened the extraction time of pigment, and it was more effective and economical.
目的:建立变换波长的方法测定复方樟脑搽剂中樟脑和苯酚的含量。方法:采用高效液相色谱法测定复方樟脑搽剂中樟脑和苯酚的含量,色谱柱Shim-pack VP-ODS(150 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)
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