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再次感受闽东,源自一个沙盘。在福建省省级开发区——宁德东侨开发区管委会办公大楼的一间大厅里,一个硕大的沙盘,向人们展示了以东侨开发区为主体的21世纪初宁德中心城市的总体形象—— 这是一个现代滨海生态山水城市。面积在原有城区基础上扩大一倍多,其布局合理,功能齐全。60米宽纵横交错的大道,把城市划分为行政区、工业区、商贸区、住宅区、文化区几个区域。依山傍水,绿草如茵,处处体现山与海的交响。管委会党工委书记吴尚宇在沙盘边用指示棒向宾客频频介绍:这里是城市广场,那里是大学校园,还有那边是火车站,那边是别墅区……而一条高速公路把这个城市与外界紧密相连,从这里到福州这个福建的省会城市以及到长乐国际机场仅需1小时的车程。 站在沙盘面前,让人感到激动。而当我们驱车徜徉在新城宽敞的大道上,面拂和煦的海风,欣赏着一幢幢新建的楼群,禁不住发出许多感慨,对闽东的过去、现在和未来…… Mindong again, from a sand table. In a hall of Fujian Province Provincial Development Zone - Ningde Dongqiao Development Zone Administrative Committee office building, a huge sand table shows the overall population of Ningde Center City in the early 21st century, mainly composed of Dongqiao Development Zone Image - This is a modern coastal ecological landscape city. The area is more than doubled on the basis of the original urban area, and the layout is reasonable and fully functional. 60 meters wide criss-cross the road, the city is divided into administrative areas, industrial areas, commercial and trade areas, residential areas, cultural areas in several regions. Yishanbangshui, green grass everywhere reflects the symphony of mountains and the sea. WU Shangyu, secretary of the party committee of the CMC, frequently toured the guests at the sand table with a pointing stick: here is the city square, where there is the university campus, and there is the train station over there, and there is the villa area ... and a highway put this The city is closely linked with the outside world, from where it is only an hour’s drive from Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian Province and Changle International Airport. Standing in front of the sand table, people feel excited. And when we drove to the spacious avenue of the New City, we could not help but give a lot of emotion to the past, the present and the future of Mindong when we admired the warm sea breeze and admired the new buildings.
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油价上升 人民币升值压力增大 美伊战争对中国所带来的好处,正如前面所说,将加速外资的流入。但是,在其他方面,美伊战争带来的主要还都是些负面影响。主要包括:(1)拉动油价
陈衍 ( 1 856 .4 .8- 1 937.7.6 ) ,字叔伊 ,号石遗 ,福建闽侯人。清末民初著名诗人、文学家和学者。 1 92 3年 9月至 1 92 6年 5月任厦门大学文科国文正教授、国文系主任。
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