保廉政 践誓言——漳州市地税局行风建设纪事

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1996年,在福建省漳州市政府组织的工商、邮电、公安等8个重点行业的行风评议中,市地税局“群众满意率”一项得了93.1分,位居第一.同年,该局被国家人事部、国家税务总局授予先进集体.1997年12月,漳州市委、市政府召开命名表彰大会,授予漳州地税系统“文明系统”光荣称号.树新风纠歪风“行风第一只能说明过去.”漳州市地税局领导清醒地认识到:“群众满意率”93.1分,这离一百分还有一段距离,树行业新风,重在纠歪风.本着这一原则,他们把反腐纠风作为地税干部的必修课,将税收与纠风工作一起抓,坚持做到“三个一起”:即税收任务和纠风工作一起部署,收入进度和行风一起分析,完成税收任务和反腐纠风一起考核.突出“三个必抓”:逢年过节、婚丧喜庆必抓,税收检查、所得税汇算、定额调整、违章处罚、减免税审批等项工作开展时必抓,发现不良倾向和违纪行为必抓.明确规定税务人员不得参与经商办企业、不得涉足高消费场所,并实施廉政告诫制度、离岗审计制度、廉政行风同奖惩挂钩制度,提拔干部也要先通过纪检监察部门的廉政关. In 1996, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, Zhangzhou municipal government organized business, post and telecommunications, public security and other eight key industries line of appraisal, the Municipal Local Taxation Bureau “mass satisfaction rate” was a 93.1 points, ranked first in the same year, the Bureau By the State Ministry of Personnel, State Administration of Taxation awarded the advanced collective .1997 December, Zhangzhou municipal government held a naming ceremony to grant Zhangzhou prefectural tax system “civilized system” glorious title. In the past. “Zhangzhou City Local Taxation Bureau, the leadership clearly aware of:” mass satisfaction rate “93.1 points, which is still a hundredth away from the distance, tree industry fresh air, focusing on correcting unhealthy trends. In line with this principle, they put anti-corruption correction As a compulsory course for cadres of land tax, the tax should be grasped together with the rectification work and insisted on ”three together“: that is, the tax task should be deployed together with the rectification work, the progress of income and the trades analyzed together, and the tax task and the anti-corruption corrections should be assessed together. Highlight the ”three must grasp": festivals, weddings and festivities must grasp, tax inspection, income tax, the quota adjustment, illegal punishment, tax relief and other work to be carried out, and found that bad tendencies and Clearly stipulate that tax officials shall not participate in business-run enterprises, shall not engage in high-consumption places, and implement the system of clean and honest warnings, the system of auditing without posts and the system of clean and honest government with reward and punishment, and the promotion of cadres must first pass through the discipline inspection and supervision departments Clean government.
<正> 人民英雄纪念碑从地面开始有重月台,踏着花岗石台阶往上走,是承托碑身的大小两层须弥座。碑身四周环绕双层汉白玉栏杆,美观、朴素。碑身东西两侧上部,刻着以红星、松柏
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只要改变人类的洗面方式每天能节约6 000万吨水一年能节约2.1 9亿吨水……随着经济的快速发展,水环境污染和水资源短缺的问题越来越突出,已经成为未来20年中国实现全面小康