Establishment and characterization of an opisthorchiasis-associated cholangiocarcinoma cell line (KK

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbzjl001
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AM: To establish and characterize a new cholangiocarcinoma cell line from a patient living in the Opisthorchis viverrini (O. viverrini) endemic area of Northeast Thailand. METHODS: Fresh liver biopsy and bile specimens were obtained from a 65-year-old Thai woman with cholangiocarcinoma of the ports hepatis. After digestion, the cells were cultured in Ham’s F12 media. The established cell line was then characterized for growth kinetics, cell morphology, imm-unocytochemistry and cytogenetics. Tumorigenicity of the cell line was determined by heterotransplanting in nude mice. RESULTS: The primary tumor was a poorly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma. Examination of the bile revealed malignant cells with O. viverrin eggs. The cholangiocarcinoma cell line KKU-100 was established 4 mo after the primary culture-population doubling time was 72 h. KKU-100 possesses compact and polygonal-shaped epithelial cells. Immunocytochemically, this cell line exhibited cytokeratin, EMA, CEA, and CA125, but not a-fetoprotein (AFP), CA19-9, desmin, c-met, or p53. Such protein expressions parallel those of the primary tumor. Cytogenetic analysis identified aneuploidy karyotypes with a modal chromosome number of 78 and marked chromosomal structural changes. Inoculation of KKU-100 cells into nude mice produced a transplantable, poorly differentiated aden-ocarcinoma, similar to the original tumor. CONCLUSION: KKU-100 is the first egg-proven, Opisthorchis- associated cholangiocarcinoma cell line, which should prove useful for further investigations of the tumor biology of this cancer. AM: To establish and characterize a new cholangiocarcinoma cell line from a patient living in the Opisthorchis viverrini (O. viverrini) endemic area of ​​Northeast Thailand. METHODS: Fresh liver biopsy and bile specimens were obtained from a 65-year-old Thai woman with cholangiocarcinoma of the ports hepatis. After digestion, the cells were cultured in Ham’s F12 media. The established cell line was then characterized for growth kinetics, cell morphology, imm-unocytochemistry and cytogenetics. Tumorigenicity of the cell line was determined by heterotransplanting in nude mice . RESULTS: The primary tumor was a poorly differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma. Examination of the bile revealed malignant cells with O. viverrin eggs. The cholangiocarcinoma cell line KKU-100 was established 4 mo after the primary culture-population doubling time was 72 h. KKU -100 possesses compact and polygonal-shaped epithelial cells. Immunocytochemically, this cell line extracted cytokeratin, EMA, CEA, and CA125, but not a-fetoprotein (AFP), CA19-9, desmin, c-met, or p53. Such protein expressions parallel those of the primary tumor. Cytogenetic analysis identified aneuploidy karyotypes with a modal chromosome number of 78 and marked chromosomal structural changes. Inoculation of KKU-100 cells into nude mice produced a transplantable, poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, similar to the original tumor. CONCLUSION: KKU-100 is the first egg-proven, Opisthorchis-associated cholangiocarcinoma cell line, which should prove useful for further investigations of the tumor biology of this cancer.
目的 探讨手足显微外科病人护理中优化护理流程的效果.方法 选取2016年1月至2017年1月期间我院的手足损伤患者,共200例.将患者按照随机数字表法分为两组,对照组100例(采取常
目的检测尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸转移酶(UGT)2B7*2基因多态性在癫痫患者中的分布频率,进一步研究UGT2B7*2基因多态性对丙戊酸(VPA)血药浓度的影响。方法应用化学发光免疫分析仪测定患者VPA的血药浓度,通过PCR-RFLP方法对UGT2B7*2进行基因多态性分析。结果VPA组117例, UGT2B7*2突变型10例(8.55%),杂合型47例(40.17%),野生型60例(51.28%)。
目的:观察法安明联合硝酸甘油,缬沙坦治疗冠心病心力衰竭患者的临床转归和心功能改善情况.方法 选择2010年7月至2013年3月在我院住院治疗的高血压合并冠心病心力衰竭患者100
临床中,针对重型颅脑损伤、脑动脉瘤破裂出血、脑出血等病人,术后多需行去骨瓣减压.术后颅骨缺损较大时(≥3 cm),可出现颅骨缺损综合征,表现为头痛、头晕,体位变化时加重缺损
目的探讨同步放化疗联合自体细胞因子诱导的杀伤(CIK)细胞免疫治疗局部晚期胰腺癌的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析濮阳市油田总医院2013年10月至2015年10月收治的54例局部晚期胰腺癌患者,根据治疗方式均分为两组:试验组采用三维适形放疗同步单药吉西他滨+CIK免疫治疗;对照组采用三维适形放疗同步单药吉西他滨,比较两组间的临床疗效。结果54例患者均完成治疗计划。试验组获CR 8例,PR 15例,SD
目的 分析晚期肿瘤患者疼痛护理中采用循证护理的作用.方法 自我院随机选取52例晚期肿瘤患者,选自2017年8月至2018年7月,根据抽签法随机分组,行循证护理的26例患者纳入实验组