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在日前天津大学举行的“能源与动力”学术论坛上,天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室主任尧命发研究员表示,我国目前内燃机年产量已超过6000万台,是世界第一内燃机制造大国。以内燃机为动力源的动力系统在未来30-50年仍是最主要的动力,因此内燃机节能减排将是我国未来节能减排 Recently, at Tianjin University’s “Energy and Power” academic forum, Yao Mingfa, director of the State Key Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engines of Tianjin University, said that at present, the annual output of internal combustion engines in China has exceeded 60 million units and is the world’s largest manufacturing country for internal combustion engines. The power system with internal combustion engine as power source will still be the most important power in the next 30-50 years. Therefore, the energy-saving and emission reduction of internal combustion engine will be the future energy-saving and emission reduction of our country
中学生“早恋”的问题是当前学校教育的热点问题。据调查,一般中学的学生普遍存在早恋现象,有的班级存在早恋倾向的同学多达十几个。班主任在班级管理工作中,怎样对待中学生“早恋”现象?怎样帮助中学生平稳度过情感的“危险区”?笔者认为,班主任应因势利导,以疏导的方式来帮助中学生正确处理“早恋”问题。  一、关注中学生的“青春现象”,尊重他们的情感  中学生,尤其是初中生正处在花样年华,这是一个充满幻想、富有
Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR) is the most commonly-used tool for measurement of gene expression, but its accuracy and re
为了解海南海口香蕉分化芽携带香蕉束顶病毒(Banana bunchy top virus ,BBTV)的情况,本研究建立了双抗夹心酶联免疫反应(DAS-ELISA)检测法,对来自海南地区组培厂的香蕉分化芽进行检
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The objectives of this study were to determine how the distribution of photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) in a maize canopy affected basal intemode streng
2015年,杜卡迪突破自我,展示了全新的Scrambler,进军古典越野车领域。全新亮相的Scrambler阵容强大,杜卡迪一口气推出了4款,分别是Icon、Classic、Urban Enduro和Full Thrott