Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Diagnostic Biomarkers for Very Early-onset(≤40 years) Coronary Artery

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuhaoumsl
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Objective Very early-onset coronary artery disease(CAD) is a great challenge in cardiovascular medicine throughout the world,especially regarding its early diagnosis.This study explored whether circulating micro RNAs(mi RNAs) could be used as potential biomarkers for patients with very early-onset CAD.Methods We performed an initial screening of mi RNA expression using RNA isolated from 20 patients with angiographically documented very early-onset CAD and 20 age-and sex-matched normal controls.For further confirmation,we prospectively examined the mi RNAs selected from 40 patients with very early-onset CAD and 40 angiography-normal controls.Results A total of 22 overexpressed mi RNAs and 22 underexpressed mi RNAs were detected in the initial screening.RT-q PCR analysis of the mi RNAs obtained from the initial screening revealed that four mi RNAs including mi R-196-5p,mi R-3163-3p,mi R-145-3p,and mi R-190a-5p exhibited significantly decreased expression in patients compared with that in controls(P<0.05).The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for these mi RNAs were 0.824(95% CI,0.731-0.917;P<0.001),0.758(95% CI,0.651-0.864;P<0.001),0.753(95% CI,0.643-0.863;P<0.001),and 0.782(95% CI,0.680-0.884;P<0.001),respectively,in the validation set.Conclusion To our knowledge,this is an advanced study to report about four serum mi RNAs(mi R-196-5p,mi R-3163-3p,mi R-145-3p,and mi R-190a-5p) that could be used as novel biomarkers for the diagnosis of very early-onset CAD. Objective Very early-onset coronary artery disease (CAD) is a great challenge in cardiovascular medicine throughout the world, especially for its early diagnosis. This study explored whether circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) could be used as potential biomarkers for patients with very early -onset CAD. Methods We performed an initial screening of mi RNA expression using RNA isolated from 20 patients with angiographically documented very early-onset CAD and 20 age-and sex-matched normal controls. For further confirmation, we prospectively examined the mi RNAs selected from 40 patients with very early-onset CAD and 40 angiography-normal controls. Results A total of 22 overexpressed mi RNAs and 22 underexpressed mi RNAs were detected in the initial screening. RT-q PCR analysis of the mi RNAs obtained from the initial screening revealed that four mi RNAs including mi R-196-5p, mi R-3163-3p, mi R-145-3p, and mi R-190a-5p showed significantly reduced expression in patients compared with that in controls (P <0.05). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for these mi RNAs were 0.824 (95% CI, 0.731-0.917; P <0.001), 0.758 (95% CI, 0.651-0.864; 0.753 (95% CI, 0.643-0.863; P <0.001), and 0.782 (95% CI, 0.680-0.884; P <0.001) respectively, in the validation set. Confidence To our knowledge, this is an advanced study to report about four serum mi RNAs (mi R-196-5p, mi R-3163-3p, mi R-145-3p, and mi R-190a-5p) that could be used as novel biomarkers for the diagnosis of very early-onset CAD.
6 产品缺陷及消除办法热推弯头常见的产品缺陷和消除办法分述如下。 6.1延伸率不合在对弯头进行机械性能检验时,经常出现延伸率不合。其产生原因是:生产弯头的钢管延伸率虽
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