
来源 :中国钢笔书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flurryzhang
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什么是书法?怎样才能学好书法?书法的意义是什么?这三个问题从喜欢上书法后时刻困扰着我,我一直在想,难道书法仅仅是一种艺术的称谓,学书法走捷径会不会欲速而不达,重要的不是去练技,也不是去炼艺,而是去苦思一个多年来说不清道不明的问题,是不是离经叛道。虽然不是经常有新的领悟,但是在追寻书法真谛的过程中我找到了信心和乐趣。 What is calligraphy? How can we learn calligraphy? What is the meaning of calligraphy? These three problems from the moment I like to calligraphy bothering me, I have been wondering, Is calligraphy just an art title, calligraphy shortcuts will not It would not be too far from attaining an important goal. It is not about practicing techniques, nor about refining arts. Although not always new insights, but in the pursuit of the true meaning of calligraphy I found confidence and fun.
The solution of the current wind retrieval algorithm for scatterometers has several wind vector ambi-guities, due to the bi-harmonic relationship between normal
In this paper, we use the conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) observation data and a three-dimensional ocean model in a seasonally-varying forcing field to stu
An empirical approach is presented for the estimation of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and air-sea CO2 fluxes in the northern South China Sea in
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位于马德里以南约70公里的西班牙小城托雷多(Toledo),曾被列入世界十大遗址之一。今天,这个坐落在泰加尔斯(Rio Tajo)河岸山丘上的中世纪城堡似已不那么起眼,然而几个世纪前,
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Terrestrial supply to marginal seas is a function of interaction between land and ocean in response to climate changes.Terrestrial flux in sediments,therefore,i
在实际教学过程当中,因诗歌不属英语考试考点,所以很多英语教师忽略了英语诗歌教学,导致学生无法感受英语诗歌的魅力。本文以牛津初中英语8A Unit 7的Reading:A poem about t