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“建议”之前先说说玛塔·哈莉,有些人知道,也有一些人不知道,所以谈论这位女士也不算完全“炒冷饭”。玛塔·哈莉应该是20世纪最有名的女间谍,其名声远超在中国臭名昭著的川岛芳子,她在第一次世界大战期间利用自己的美貌和身体,勾引了一批法国军政要员,把获得的大量机密情报送往德国,使法国吃了巨亏。但“阴谋”最终暴露,被法国以“超级间谍”罪名在1917年处决。玛塔·哈莉在情报战中取得成功主要得力于她的美貌,“漂亮女人到处受欢迎”。然而她的失败也是因为“这么漂亮的女人”而引起了法国反间谍机关的注意。据说从此以后,很多国家吸取了玛塔·哈莉的教训,在使用 Some people know, some people do not know, so talking about the lady is not complete, “fried rice.” Martha Halle, the most famous female spy in the 20th century, has a far greater reputation than the notorious Kawashima in China. During the First World War, she used her beauty and body to seduce a group of French military officials Members, sent a large number of confidential intelligence obtained to Germany, so that France suffered a huge loss. However, “conspiracy” was eventually exposed and was executed by France in 1917 on charges of “super spy.” Mata Halle in the intelligence war to achieve success mainly in her beauty, “pretty woman everywhere welcome ”. However, her failure was also caused by the French “anti-spy agency” because of “such a beautiful woman.” It is said that since then, many countries have learned the lessons of Martha Halle, in use
[阳光滑过月季花]    蓝宝宝原本是班里最懒惰的女孩子,打扫卫生的时候会偷偷地溜掉,黑板擦得总是漫不经心,作业都是被小组长催了又催才交上去。班主任拿她这样一个女孩子没办法,便任由她在没人注意的角落里自生自灭。事实上,读了快一年的高中了,许多任课老师都还不认识这个从不主动举手回答问题的女孩子,那么多的优秀生等着他们去照顾呢,像蓝宝宝这样走路都悄无声息的女孩子,又有谁会在看到她的时候,有兴趣想一想,
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A taste of European culture was offered in Chaoyang Park in Beijing, May 23-24,as the EU Extravaganza showcased the highlights of the region’s music and cuisin
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