Gut microbiota contributes to the development of endometrial glands in gilts during the ovary-depend

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csnzz
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Background:The hyper-prolificacy Meishan gilts achieved a superior endometrial gland development (EGD) than white crossbred gilts during the ovary-independent period (before 60 d of age). Then, the EGD continues under the management of ovary-derived steroid hormones that regulated by gut microbiota (after 60 d of age). However, whether Meishan gilts\' superiority in EGD lasting to the ovary-dependent period (after 60 d of age) and the role of gut microbiota in this period both remain unclear. Methods:Meishan gilts and Landrace x Yorkshire (LxY) gilts were raised under the same housing and feeding conditions until sexual maturity and then we compared their EGD and gut microbiota. Meanwhile, we transplanted fecal microbiota from Meishan gilts to L×Y gilts to explore the role of gut microbiota in EGD. We sampled plasma every 3 weeks and collected the uterus, ovary, liver, and rectal feces after the sacrifice. We then determined the hormone concentrations and expressions of the EGD-related genes. We also profiled the gut microbiota using 16S rDNA sequencing and metabolites of plasma and liver tissue using untargeted metabolomics. Finally, the correlation analysis and significant test was conducted between FMT-shifted gut microbes and EGD-related indices. Results:Meishan gilts have larger endometrial gland area (P<0.001), longer uterine horn length (P<0.01) but lighter uterine horn weight (P<0.05), a distinctive gut microbiota compared with L×Y gilts. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) increased endometrial gland area (P<0.01). FMT markedly shifted the metabolite profiles of both liver and plasma, and these differential metabolites enriched in steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway. FMT increased estradiol and insulin-like growth factor 1 but decreased progesterone dynamically. FMT also increased the expression of the EGD-related genes estrogen receptor 1 gene, epithelial cadherin, and forkhead box protein A2. There is a significant correlation between FMT-shifted gut microbes and EGD-related indices. Conclusion:Sexually matured Meishan gilts achieved a superior EGD than LxY gilts. Meanwhile, gut microbiota contribute to the EGD potentially via regulating of steroid hormones during the ovary-dependent period.
浙江省温岭市农技人员在20 世纪末探索了一套设施西瓜长季节栽培技术,全年只种植1 茬西瓜,每667 m2 产值0.8 万~1.0 万元,纯收益4 000元,该技术不仅被推广到全国各地,甚至推广至越南、老挝等国家.
航研998是由平韭4号太空诱变材料经5代连续自交育成的韭菜新品种.株型高大直立,叶片长宽条形、深绿色,叶长38 cm左右,叶宽0.8 cm左右;生长势强,冬季不休眠,田间对灰霉病的抗性强于对照791,VC含量220 mg·kg-1;年收割6刀左右,平均单株质量9.5 g,每667 m2产量13000 kg左右,适宜河南省及其周边地区种植.
夏秋美味是以雄性不育系EC-2为母本,以自交系312为父本配制而成的中晚熟菜薹一代杂种.株型半直立,生长势强,基叶阔卵圆形、嫩绿色;主薹粗壮、绿色,覆轻微蜡粉,薹长29 cm左右,单薹质量82 g左右,薹质细腻甜糯,商品性好;抽薹整齐,可一次性采收,也可主侧薹兼收,VC含量577.0 mg·kg-1,可溶性糖含量2.22%,粗纤维含量0.6%,每667 m2产量2300 kg左右,适宜苏南及其周边地区种植.
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