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历时5天的全区水利工作会议今天就要圆满地结束了,在与会同志的共同努力下,会议开的很成功,达到了预期的目的.这次会议是新组建水利厅以来第一次研究全区水利工作的会议,会议规格高,开的有新意.是新时期开创我区水利工作新局面的一次动员会、誓师会.自治区党委和政府对开好这次会议十分重视,在会前就做了充分的准备.会议开幕时,自治区副主席周维德主持了会议,张廷武副主席作了重要讲话,全面总结了全区水利建设取得的成就,实事求是地分析了当前水利工作存在的困难和问题,从我区实际出发,提出了今后水利工作的重点、指导思想和奋斗目标.要求各级政府要从我区经济发展和社会安定的战略高度充分认识水利的地位和作用,切实加强对水利工作的领导.一向支持和关心内蒙水利工作的水利部、黄委会有关领导也到会指导,特别是水利部组茂生部长在百忙中专程赶来参加我们的会议.并做了重要讲话.钮部长首先肯定了我区近几年特别是新水利厅组建以来,水利改革与发展取得的成绩,指出了内蒙水利建设的方向和广阔前景.并代表水利部党组、水利部表示继续关心和支持内蒙水利,对当前存的的资金困难问题要给予大力支持.钮部长的讲话,使与会全体同志深受鼓舞,开阔了思路,明确了方向,增强了信心,对于进一步加快我区水利改革与发 The five-day regional water conservancy work conference will be successfully concluded today. With the joint efforts of the participating comrades, the conference has been very successful and has achieved the intended purpose. This is the first time since the newly established Water Resources Department. The meeting of the region’s water conservancy work, the conference has high specifications and new ideas. It was a mobilization meeting and swearing-off party to create a new situation for the water conservancy work in our region in the new era. The party committee and government of the autonomous region paid great attention to this conference, before the conference. We made full preparations. At the opening of the meeting, Zhou Weide, vice chairman of the autonomous region, presided over the meeting. Vice President Zhang Tingwu made an important speech, summed up the achievements made in water conservancy construction in the region, and analyzed the difficulties and problems in the current water conservancy work in a practical and realistic manner. Starting from the reality of our area, we put forward the key points, guiding ideology, and goals for future water conservancy work. The governments at all levels must fully understand the status and role of water conservancy from the strategic perspective of economic development and social stability in our region, and effectively strengthen the water conservancy work. The leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Yellow River Committee, who have always supported and cared about the water conservancy work in Inner Mongolia, also attended the meeting, especially the Ministry of Water Resources Department Maosheng Department. In the midst of a busy schedule, I made a special trip to attend our meeting. I made an important speech. Minister Niu first affirmed the achievements of the water conservancy reform and development since the establishment of the New Water Resources Department in recent years in our district, and pointed out the direction of water conservancy construction in Inner Mongolia. With broad prospects, on behalf of the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Water Resources have expressed their continued concern for and support for Inner Mongolian water conservancy, and have given strong support to the current difficulties in funding. Minister Niu’s speech has encouraged all the comrades at the meeting and broadened their thinking. The direction has been clarified and confidence has been enhanced. This will further accelerate the reform and development of water resources in our region.
总公司科技局: 国家技术监督局已于1993年11月发布了新国家标准GB/T1.1—1993《标准化工作导则 第1单元:标准的起草与表述规则 第1部分 标准编写的基本规定》,并已于1995年1
简述了制定《航天产品研制的标准化工作暂行办法》的意义;结合型号研制标准化工作论述了本办法的作用;并就如何深入学习和做好贯彻准备工作提出了几点看法。 The significan
值得自豪的1994年过去了,我们迎来了充满希望、更加灿烂的1995年。 充分肯定1994经济工作所取得的成绩 1994年是我国经济保持持续发展良好势头的一年,是上海“三年大变样”