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随着科技发展,信息技术在教学管理中的应用也越来越广泛,班主任在开展工作时面临的情况与问题也越来越多。本文主要阐述了信息化时代班主任在管理班级事务时,应当将传统的思想教育理念与当代信息技术相融合,取其精华,去其糟粕,积极提高自身信息素养,促进小学班级管理模式的深入发展。 With the development of science and technology, the application of information technology in teaching management is also more and more extensive. There are also more and more situations and problems confronting the class teacher when carrying out work. This article mainly expounds the information age class teacher in the management of class affairs, should be the traditional concept of ideological education and contemporary information technology integration, whichever is best, to its dregs, and actively improve their own information literacy, promote the development of primary school class management mode .
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1.三星:奥运提高信赖指数2.蒙牛:借力全民健身,演绎奥运激情 1. Samsung: Olympic trust index increased 2. Mengniu: Leveraging the National Fitness, the interpretati
本文作者根据多年以来的教学工作经验,针对手绘本创作提高小学生心理素养进行研究。 According to many years’ teaching experience, the author studies the improvement
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四川省广安市北,协兴镇牌坊古村,三合院敞向世界,茂林修竹,四周织茵。1904年8月22日,在这里诞生了世纪伟人—— Guang’an City, Sichuan Province, North, Huxing town arc
分析了汽轮机的进水来源及进水原因,阐述了不同的进水来源的诊断技术和预防措施,同时对目前的进水检测装置与方法提出了相应改进措施 This paper analyzes the source of wate
心态的强大是一个企业一个民族强大的真正原因。任何一个国家任何一家企业,当它经历了从小到大从优秀到卓越的过程,一定是强大的心态在源源不断地发挥作用—— The strong s