Occurrence Reasons and Integrated Control of Physiological Chlorosis ofCinnamomum camphora L. in Urb

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiaozhang781209
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The relevant factors for physiological chlorosis of Cinnamomum camphora L. in Pingdingshan were studied combining with references and production survey. The results showed that the disease was the integrated results of soil environment,planting situation,microenvironment construction and maintenance management. Therefore,the countermeasures of “ prevention first,restore tree vigor; integrated control,enhance tree vigor” were proposed. Chlorosis of C. camphora had been basically controlled after four years,and the control effect was obvious. The relevant factors for physiological chlorosis of Cinnamomum camphora L. in Pingdingshan were studied combining with references and production survey. The results was that the disease was the integrated results of soil environment, planting situation, microenvironment construction and maintenance management. Therefore, the countermeasures of “Control first, restore tree vigor; integrated control, enhance tree vigor ” were proposed. Chlorosis of C. camphora had been basically controlled after four years, and the control effect was obvious.
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