Research Progress on AgSbTe_2-based Thermoelectric Materials

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Thermoelectric power generation represents a class of energy conversion technology,which has been used in power supply of aeronautic and astronautic exploring missions,now showing notable advantages to harvest the widely distributed waste heat and convert the abundant solar energy into electricity at lower cost than Si based photovoltaic technology.Thermoelectric dimensionless figure of merit ZT plays a key role in the conversion efficiency from thermal to electrical energy.Low thermal conductivity and large Seebeck coefficient make the AgSbTe 2 compound a very promising candidate for high efficiency p-type thermoelectric applications.The AgSbTe2-based thermoelectric system has been repeatedly studied as prospective thermoelectric materials.In this review,we firstly clarify some fundamental tradeoffs dictating the ZT value through the relationship ZT =S 2 σT/κ.We also pay special attentions to the recent advances in AgSbTe2 based thermoelectric materials.Finally,we provide an outlook of new directions in this filed. Thermoelectric power generation represents a class of energy conversion technology, which has been used in power supply of aeronautic and astronautic exploring missions, now showing notable advantages to harvest the widely distributed waste heat and convert the abundant solar energy into electricity at lower cost than Si based photovoltaic technology. Thermo-compact dimensionless figure of merit ZT plays a key role in the conversion efficiency from thermal to electrical energy. Low thermal conductivity and large Seebeck coefficient make the AgSbTe 2 compound a very promising candidate for high efficiency p-type thermoelectric applications. The AgSbTe2 -based thermoelectric system has been repeatedly studied as prospective thermoelectric materials. In this review, we conducted a fundamental tradeoffs dictating the ZT value through the relationship ZT = S 2 σT / κ.We also pay special attention to the recent advances in AgSbTe2 based thermoelectric materials .Finally, we provide an outlook of new directions in this filed.
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