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山西段木栽培香菇起步较晚,加之适合本地自然及生态条件的生产管理技术尚不配套,制约着香菇生产的进一步发展。本文总结了山西干旱山区香菇生产提高发菌质量的管理技术与措施。现介绍如下: 1 菇场的选址与建设 选菇场必须尽可能地兼顾香菇不同生育对环境条件的基本要求及运输与管理上的便利,并从经济实用的角度对菇场进行规划与整理。①应选地势开阔,通风良好,近水源的东南缓坡地作发菌场地或菇场。②清除场地及四周的枯枝落叶及杂草,整理好场地表面,撒生石灰粉或喷多菌灵,以抑、杀杂菌,减少段木污染,靠近山坡地带,要挖掘排水沟。③利用上游山沟河水或泉水,埋设管道引至菇场,是最经济便利的菇场供水方式,投资少,又避免了山区供电短缺造成的困难。④搭建阴棚,以密度为75%~85%的遮阳网替代茅草覆盖,具有保温保湿好,发菌质量高,污染源少,方便,耐用等优点。 2 菌种保存、检验与接种 ①菌种保存:购回的菌种不宜久放,以免菌丝体老化。若菌种购买回来,段木尚未准备好,菌种一定要保存在通风、干燥、低温、避光的地方。②菌种检验:正常的菌种为白色绒毛状,瓶(袋)口形成一层较薄的浅褐色菌皮封口,揭口能闻到较浓 Shanxi section of wood mushroom cultivation started late, combined with suitable for local natural and ecological conditions of production management technology is not yet complete, restricting the further development of mushroom production. This article summarizes the management techniques and measures to improve the quality of mushrooms produced in the mountainous areas of Shanxi. Now introduced as follows: 1 Mushroom farm site selection and construction Mushroom farm must take into account the different requirements of different conditions on the basic conditions of mandarin mushroom growth and transport and management convenience, and from a practical point of view Mushroom Farm planning and finishing . ① should choose the open topography, well-ventilated, near the source of southeast gentle slope for germs field or mushroom field. ② clear the site and the surrounding litter and weeds, finishing the surface of the site, sprinkle lime powder or spray carbendazim to inhibit bacteria, reduce the pollution of section wood, near the hillside zone, to dig drainage. ③ The use of the upstream channel ditch or spring water, buried pipelines leading to Mudanchang, is the most economical and convenient mushroom farm water supply, less investment, but also to avoid the mountain power shortage caused by the difficulties. ④ to build shady studio, with a density of 75% ~ 85% shading instead of covered with thatch, with good thermal insulation, germ high quality, less pollution, convenient, durable and so on. 2 strains of preservation, testing and vaccination ① strain preservation: buy back the strain should not be long to avoid mycelium aging. If the bacteria to buy back, paragraph wood is not ready, strains must be stored in a ventilated, dry, low temperature, dark place. ② strain test: the normal species is white fluffy, bottle (bag) mouth to form a thin light brown leather seal, the mouth can smell thicker
目的 比较不同疗程左氧氟沙星联合四联抗结核药治疗结核性胸膜炎的临床效果.方法 180例结核性胸膜炎患者,采用电脑随机分为研究组和对比组,各90例.两组患者均给予四联抗结核
简单介绍了酸枣嫁接大枣的栽培管理技术和利用酸枣繁殖枣树优良品种的技术。 Introduced the jujube jujube cultivation and management techniques and the use of jujube