A CW superconducting linac as the proton driver for a medium baseline neutrino beam in China

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sad_pacific
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In a long-term planning for neutrino experiments in China, a medium baseline neutrino beam is proposed which uses a continue wave(CW) superconducting linac of 15 MW in beam power as the proton driver. The linac will be based on the technologies which are under development by the China-ADS project, namely it is also composed of a3.2 Me V normal conducting RFQ and five different types of superconducting cavities. However, the design philosophy is quite different from the China-ADS linac because of the much weaker requirement on reliability here. The nominal design energy and current are 1.5 Ge V and 10 m A, respectively. The general considerations and preliminary results on the physics design will be presented here. In addition, the alternative designs such as 2.0 Ge V and 2.5 Ge V, which may be required by the general design, can be easily extended from the nominal one. In a long-term planning for neutrino experiments in China, a medium baseline neutrino beam is proposed which uses a continue wave (CW) superconducting linac of 15 MW in beam power as the proton driver. The linac will be based on the technologies which are under development by the China-ADS project, which it is also composed of a 3.2 Me V normal conducting RFQ and five different types of superconducting cavities. However, the design philosophy is quite different from the China-ADS linac because of the much weaker requirement on reliability here. The nominal design energy and current are 1.5 Ge V and 10 m A, respectively. The general considerations and preliminary results on the physics design will be presented here. In addition, the alternative designs such as 2.0 Ge V and 2.5 Ge V, which may be required by the general design, can be easily extended from the nominal one.
郑博元,1964年出生于中国台湾省。曾任中国《台湾钓鱼》杂志社总编辑、中国《台湾钓游家》双周刊社长,《自由时报》《中时晚报》《联合报》《太平洋日报》《民生报》(以上为中国台湾省报社)、中国香港《鱼乐》杂志、《路亚中国》杂志、《垂釣》杂志、日本《TSURI SUNDAY》溪流专刊等刊物的特约专栏作家。在电视媒体方面,郑博元曾任中央电视台第五频道《运动空间》、乐视钓鱼频道钓鱼顾问与节目嘉宾,太阳卫视、
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