Effect of ~(103)Pd on proliferation and apoptosis of vascular smoothmuscle cells

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akuan
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This study aimed at the effect of γ-emitting radionuclide l03Pd on the proliferation and apoptosis of vascular SMCs (smooth muscle cells) in vitro. The cavy aortic SMCs were cultured with culture medium M-199. The experiments were carried out in two groups, one for proliferation test and the other for apoptosis test. In each group, 103Pd solutions with various radioactivities were respectively added to the culture solution to irradiate SMCs for 72 h, while non-radioactive palladium solution was added to the control. H-thymidine incorporation test and liquid scin-tillator were used to detect the effect of 103Pd on the proliferation of SMCs. Flow cytometer was used to detect the apoptotic SMCs. The inhibition rate of SMCs proliferation by 1.85 MBq 103Pd solution was 2.3%, which was not significant, while the inhibition rate increased from 41.6% to 91.3% as the 103Pd activity increased from 7.40 MBq to 37 MBq. The apoptosis rate of SMCs was extremely low (less than 4.0%) by 103Pd with activity from 1.85 M This study aimed at the effect of γ-emitting radionuclide l03Pd on the proliferation and apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in vitro. The cavy aortic SMCs were cultured with culture medium M-199. The experiments were carried out in two groups, one for proliferation test and the other for apoptosis test. In each group, 103Pd solutions with various radioactivities were added to the culture solution to irradiate SMCs for 72 h, while non-radioactive palladium solution was added to the control. H-thymidine incorporation test and liquid scin-tillator were used to detect the effect of 103Pd on the proliferation of SMCs. Flow cytometer was used to detect the apoptotic SMCs. The inhibition rate of SMCs proliferation by 1.85 MBq 103Pd solution was 2.3%, which was not significant, while the inhibition rate increased from 41.6% to 91.3% as the 103Pd activity increased from 7.40 MBq to 37 MBq. The apoptosis rate of SMCs was extremely low (less than 4.0%) by 103Pd with ac tivity from 1.85 M
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