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茲根據中華人民共和國國務院關於編製一九五五年預算草案指示,結合我省情况,特將有關各級预算草案編製問題指示如下: 一、財政工作的任務一九五五年財政工作所面臨的形勢是:國民經濟建設第一個五年計劃已進入了第三個年度,這一個年度的建設計劃能否勝利完成,是五年計劃的一個重要關鍵,其所需撥款,必須予以保證。美帝國主義者和蔣介石賣國集團仍竊據着我國的領土台灣,必須在國防建設上保證必要的支出。一九五四年部份地區的嚴重水災,不只影響一九五四年與一九五五年的收入,而且尚須撥付糧款進行救濟和復堤堵口工程,以支持災區恢復生產。由此說明,一九五五年財政工作是緊張的,任務是艱巨的,而這一任務又是光榮的,必須努力保證完成。 In accordance with the directive of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on the preparation of the draft budget for 1955 and in light of the situation in our province, we hereby direct the relevant issues concerning the compilation of draft budget proposals at all levels as follows: I. Tasks of Financial Work Faced with the financial work in 1955 The situation is: the first five-year plan for national economic construction has entered its third year. Whether the construction plan of this year can be successfully completed is an important key to the five-year plan and the necessary funding must be guaranteed. The U.S. imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek’s traitorous groups still steal Taiwan’s territory from our country and must guarantee the necessary expenditures for national defense. The severe flooding in some areas in 1954 not only affected the revenue in 1954 and 1955, but also required food and funds relief and the embankment closure project to support the resumption of production in the disaster areas. This shows that the financial work in 1955 was tense and the task was arduous. This task was glorious again and efforts must be made to ensure its completion.
春耕生產緊張季節卽至,但全省農田水利春修的新建工程到目前為止,只完成了計劃任務的百分之四十五左右,距離原訂計劃甚遠,而時間已很緊迫。為此,本會特作如下緊急指示: 一、
Coarse-grained heat-affected zone(CGHAZ) of a low alloyed,granular bainitic steel T24 was simulated in a Gleeble apparatus.The stress relief of the CGHAZ was an