Power allocation and mode selection methods for cooperative communication in the rectangular tunnel

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyxdaisy
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For the multipath fading on electromagnetic waves of wireless communication in the confined areas,the rectangular tunnel cooperative communication system was established based on the multimode channel model and the channel capacity formula derivation was obtained.On the optimal criterion of the channel capacity,the power allocation methods of both amplifying and forwarding(AF) and decoding and forwarding(DF) cooperative communication systems were proposed in the limitation of the total power to maximize the channel capacity.The mode selection methods of single input single output(SISO) and single input multiple output(SIMO) models in the rectangular tunnel,through which the higher channel capacity can be obtained,were put forward as well.The theoretical analysis and simulation comparison show that,channel capacity of the wireless communication system in the rectangular tunnel can be effectively enhanced through the cooperative technology;channel capacity of the rectangular tunnel under complicated conditions is maximized through the proposed power allocation methods,and the optimal cooperative mode of the channel capacity can be chosen according to the cooperative mode selection methods given in the paper. For the multipath fading on electromagnetic waves of wireless communication in the confined areas, the rectangular tunnel cooperative communication system was established based on the multimode channel model and the channel capacity formula derivation was obtained. On the optimal criterion of the channel capacity, the power allocation methods of both amplifying and forwarding (AF) and decoding and forwarding (DF) cooperative communication systems were proposed in the limitation of the total power to maximize the channel capacity. The mode selection method of single input single output (SISO) and single input multiple output (SIMO) models in the rectangular tunnel, through which the higher channel capacity can be obtained, were put forward as well. Theoretical analysis and simulation comparison show that, channel capacity of the wireless communication system in the rectangular tunnel can be effectively enhanced through the cooperative technology; channel capacity of the rectangular tunnel under complicated conditions is maximized through the proposed power allocation methods, and the optimal cooperative mode of the channel capacity can be chosen according to the cooperative mode selection in the paper.
“大寒”,是二十四节气的最后一个节气,紧接着就是“立春”,是农历新一年中的第一个节气。俗语说“过完大寒,又是一年”。从“大寒”到“立春”这段时间,气候特点是由“冬藏”转轨至“春生”,正是天气由冷逐渐转暖的阶段,养生保健也要随之“转轨”。  精神:心情舒畅  所谓“暖身先暖心,心暖则身温”。意思是说心神旺盛,气机通畅,血脉顺和,全身四肢百骸才能温暖,方可抵御严冬酷寒的侵袭。因此在大寒时节,我们应安心