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为探讨慢性结肠炎等疾病患者的大便异常与结肠电频谱改变的关系 ,对 114例患者临床观察发现 ,消化道疾病患者有大便异常或倾向的比率颇高 ,所占比率从高至低依次为慢性结肠炎 (CS ,80 .0 % ) >十二指肠溃疡 (DU ,6 9.2 % )及十二指肠炎 (DS ,6 8.7% ) >慢性胃炎 (GS ,54.8% )。CS组有腹泻倾向者占 56 .0 % ,便秘占 2 4 .0 % ;DS组便烂便频者亦占 4 3.8% ,都明显高于GS组及对照组。应用“微电脑胃肠电检测分析系统”作体表结肠电检查及频谱分析 ,发现GS组空腹升结肠低频段及餐后乙状结肠低频段结肠电明显减弱 ;DS组餐后三部结肠的低、高频段电活动及收缩性复合肌电都亢进或倾向异常增强 ;DU组空腹或餐后三部结肠的低、高频段电活动及收缩性复合肌电则明显或倾向减弱 ;CS组空腹乙状结肠低频段电活动明显减弱 ,而餐后升结肠低频段电活动则亢进。休表结肠电异常能部分解释不同类型大便改变的发生机制。空腹低频段结肠电减弱、餐后结肠电亢进的动力异常模式可能是CS等患者便烂、便频呈慢性腹泻倾向的重要机制。 In order to explore the relationship between stool abnormalities and changes of electrical spectrum of colon in patients with chronic colitis and other diseases, clinical observation of 114 patients showed that patients with digestive diseases had high rates of stool abnormalities or propensity, with high to low rates of Chronic colitis (CS, 80.0%)> duodenal ulcer (DU, 62.9%) and duodenitis (DS, 67.7%)> chronic gastritis (GS, 54.8%). CS group had diarrhea tendency accounted for 56.0%, constipation accounted for 24.0%; DS group also rotten frequency also accounted for 3.8%, were significantly higher than the GS group and the control group. Application of “microcomputer gastrointestinal electrical detection and analysis system,” the body surface colonic examination and spectrum analysis showed that GS group of fasting ascending colon low frequency and postprandial sigmoid colon low frequency of colonic decreased significantly; DS group postprandial three colon low, high The frequency of electrical activity and contractile EMG are hyperthyroidism or propensity to abnormal increase; DU group of fasting or postprandial three colon low and high frequency electrical activity and contractile composite myoelectricity was significantly or tended to be weakened; CS group fasting sigmoid colon low frequency band Electrical activity was significantly weakened, and postprandial ascending colon low frequency electrical activity is hyperthyroidism. Abnormal bowel colon electrical abnormalities can explain in part the mechanism of different types of stool changes. The fasting low-frequency segment of the colon is weakened and the postprandial pattern of post-operative hyperalgesia may be an aberrant pattern of chronic diarrhea in CS patients.
用高效液相 -荧光检测法分别测定了成年及幼年雌性大鼠缰核 ( Hb)内单胺类递质的含量。结果表明 ,成年大鼠动情前期缰核内 NE含量明显高于动情期和动情间期 ,DA、5- HT含量在
目的 :比较预防性使用单剂或 4剂头孢曲松 (Cef)对肺、食管外科手术的预防感染效益。方法 :前瞻性随机对照研究 ,30 3例病人随机分配到单剂组 (n=15 1)或 4剂组 (n=15 2 )。
目的 总结用自行研制的脑胶质瘤放疗囊,对恶性胶质瘤进行瘤腔间质放疗的长期疗效。方法 在理论计算和模拟测定的基础上,对25例恶性胶质瘤患者在手术切除肿瘤后的残瘤腔内放置
目的 :探讨难治性慢性前列腺炎 (CPT)的治疗方法。方法 :对 70例经过不同方法治疗无效患者 ,用舍尼通与氧氟沙星联合治疗一个疗程后 ,对其临床症状改善情况及前列腺液镜检结
黄斑是视觉最敏锐的部位 ,黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离对视功能损害严重 ,选择适当的手术方式 ,封闭黄斑裂孔 ,达到有效的治愈目的 ,是眼科探讨的问题。自 1992年 8月~ 1999年 8月 ,笔
目的 采用塑料粘附δ实验(PΔ)估计骨髓原始祖细胞的相对数量.方法 取4例非血液病患者骨髓,肝素抗凝,用淋巴细胞分离液分离单个核细胞,取少量细胞加入甲基纤维素培养基,37℃,