依法管理宗教事务 努力服务发展大局——访山西省委统战部副部长、省民族宗教事务局局长武锦福

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2004年3月22日,山西省宗教工作座谈会在并召开。为进一步了解我省民族宗教工作的发展状况,本刊记者在会后采访了省民族宗教局局长武锦福。 记者:武局长,民族、宗教事务对我们来讲比较生疏,今天有机会向您请教,很难得。请问:我省民族、宗教工作的基本任务是什么? 武锦福:我省是少数民族杂居散居的省份,有回、满、蒙古、壮、朝鲜、苗、藏等54个少数民族共11万余人。我省少数民族分布属于大杂居、小聚居,遍布全省119个县(市、区),有58个回族聚居村和50个回族相对聚居的城市街道居委会。民族问题是关系民族团结、国家统一、社会稳定和社会主义现代化建设的大事。正确处理民族问题是一个涉及全局的根本问题,加强民族团结是一个需要全党、全社会共同关注、长期努力的重要任务。围绕“共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展”这一主题,宣传贯彻党的有关方针、政策和国家的法律、法规,加强民族团结,依法保障少数民族权益,发展少数民族经济,是民族工作的基本任务。 On March 22, 2004, a symposium on religious work in Shanxi Province was held. To further understand the development of our province's ethnic and religious work, our correspondents interviewed Wu Jinfu, director of the Provincial Bureau of Religious Affairs. Reporter: Secretary Wu Wu, nationalities and religious affairs are relatively unfamiliar to us. There is a chance to consult with you today and it is hard to come by. I ask you: What is the basic task of the ethnic and religious work in our province? Wu Jinfu: The province is a province where the ethnic minorities live inhabited together and scattered. There are over 110,000 54 ethnic minorities such as Hui, Manchu, Mongolia, Zhuang, North Korea, Miao and Tibet . The distribution of ethnic minorities in our province belongs to a large mixed-race, small settlement, all over the province's 119 counties (cities, districts), there are 58 Hui villages and 50 Hui neighborhood relatively concentrated neighborhood committees. The ethnic issue is a major event that concerns the unity of nationalities, national unification, social stability and socialist modernization. Correctly handling the ethnic issue is a fundamental issue involving the overall situation. Strengthening ethnic unity is an important task that requires the entire party and the entire society to pay attention to and make long-term efforts. Focusing on the theme of “common solidarity and common prosperity and development”, we should propagandize and implement the party's relevant guidelines and policies as well as the country's laws and regulations, strengthen ethnic unity, safeguard the rights and interests of ethnic minorities according to law, and develop the economy of ethnic minorities Basic task
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