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一、案情与问题2004年12月7日晚9时35分,两艘万吨级集装箱船两万多吨的巴拿马籍“现代促进轮”和7万余吨的德国籍“MSC伊伦纳”油轮在珠江口担杆岛东北约8海里处发生碰撞。溢油主要是“MSC伊伦纳”油轮从轮尾部油舱溢出,燃油舱破损溢出燃油约450吨,在水面形成了一条约9海里的溢油带。这是我国船舶碰撞最大的一次溢油事故。这次油污绵延到海南北部海域至少70公里,海口、澄迈、临高等海岸线遭受不同程度的污染。为了清除处理这些油污,海南就出动4000余人,历时十多天,共回收的含油废物超过400多吨。2004年12月28日,海南省政府以及部分受损失的单位、个人将肇事方告上了广州海事法院,向被告索赔,要求被告赔偿各种经济损失与清除油污的费用。2006年7月,被告同原告达成庭外和解,获得了一定的赔偿。对于本案而言,海洋生态环境遭受的损害、渔民遭受的损失能否获得赔偿成为焦点问题?被告在案件审理过程中,否认应该对因海洋生态环境遭受破坏而导致渔民的损失与旅游业者的损失进行赔偿。那么是否应该对这些损失进行赔偿呢?实际上这些损失在侵权损害赔偿责任理论中有一个专有名词——纯粹经济损失。纯粹经济损失是由侵害可期待经济利益直接引 I. Case and Problems At 09:35, on the evening of December 7, 2004, 20,000 tons of container ships of more than 20,000 tons of Panamax, “Modern Promotion Wheel” and 70,000 tons of German-made “MSC-Iraq Renner ”tanker collided about 8 nautical miles northeast of the Danzao Peninsula in the Pearl River Estuary. The oil spill was mainly due to the spillover of the “MSC Irrena” tanker from the rear tank of the rear wheel, which damaged about 450 tons of fuel and formed an oil spill about 9 nautical miles above the water surface. This is the largest oil spill in China's ship collision. The oil extended to at least 70 kilometers north of Hainan, Haikou, Chengmai, Pro high coastline suffered varying degrees of pollution. In order to dispose of these oil pollution, Hainan dispatched more than 4,000 people over a period of more than 10 days, recycling a total of more than 400 tons of oily waste. On December 28, 2004, the Hainan provincial government and some units and individuals that suffered losses reported the incident to the Guangzhou Maritime Court, pleading the defendant with a claim that the defendant compensate for all kinds of economic losses and oil pollution removal costs. In July 2006, the defendant reached an out of court settlement with the plaintiff and obtained some compensation. In the present case, it is the focus of the investigation whether the damages to the marine ecosystem and the losses suffered by fishermen become the focus of the issue. During the hearing of the case, the defendant denied that he should deny the loss of fishermen and the loss of tourists caused by the destruction of the marine ecological environment Compensation. Should these losses be compensated? In fact, these losses have a proper nomenclature in the tort liability theory - a purely economic loss. Pure economic loss is a direct result of an infringement of the expected economic benefits
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注册商标和未注册商标均是一商品区别其他同类商品的标志。顾名思义,未注册商标是与注册商标相对应的概念,未注册商标是未申请注册或虽经申请但未获核准以及尚未被核准注册的商业标记。未注册商标是商标的一部分,它与注册商标同样具有区别商品或服务来源的作用。    一、未注册商标所有人的权利    首先,未注册商标所有人对其商标享有正当的财产利益,并受到法律的保护。其中具体的权能包括:使用权,即未注册商标所有人
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公司治理( CorpornteGovernance)已成为一个世界性的研究和实践课题。在中国,它一般是被作为“公司治理结构”和“法人治理结构”进行研究和实践的。目前,我们正在把健全法人治理结构当作建立现代企
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