Feature Extraction of Chinese Materia Medica Fingerprint Based on Star Plot Representation of Multiv

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Objective To study a novel feature extraction method of Chinese materia medica(CMM) fingerprint.Methods On the basis of the radar graphical presentation theory of multivariate,the radar map was used to figure the non-map parameters of the CMM fingerprint,then to extract the map features and to propose the feature fusion.Results Better performance was achieved when using this method to test data.Conclusion This shows that the feature extraction based on radar chart presentation can mine the valuable features that facilitate the identification of Chinese medicine. Objective To study a novel feature extraction method of Chinese materia medica (CMM) fingerprint. Methods On the basis of the radar graphical presentation theory of multivariate, the radar map was used to figure the non-map parameters of the CMM fingerprint, then to extract the map features and to propose the feature fusion. Results Better performance was achieved when using this method to test data.Conclusion This shows that the feature extraction based on radar chart presentation can mine the valuable features that facilitate the identification of Chinese medicine.
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