
来源 :林业科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WarmAir1982
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[目的]在用材林高世代种子园建园材料选择时,最初重点考虑的是其速生性,而对优树的开花物候关注较少。在高世代种子园营建时,无性系的配置常根据其种源在大范围内考虑其开花物候的遗传因素,但即使是小范围内相同种源的无性系,其开花物候也不可能绝对同步。因此,了解种子园无性系的开花物候,可为种子园的集约经营、产量预测、种子遗传品质调控等提供依据。[方法]于2012—2013年,在桂阳县苗圃马尾松二代种子园Ⅰ大区、Ⅴ大区分别随机选取不同类型的无性系10个和25个,对其开花物候进行观测。[结果]表明:不同无性系的雌、雄球花花期起止日期和持续时间均有差异,但无性系间雌、雄球花花期值差异均未达显著水平,35个无性系总体雌、雄球花花期具有一定的同步性;35个无性系雌、雄球花的初花期基本同步,雌、雄球花的盛花期和末花期同步。株间花期差异相对于无性间要大,但雄球花花期较早的植株,其雌球花花期也较早,同一株建园亲本的雌、雄球花花期有一定的同步性。除雌球花的末花期与雄球花的初花期呈微弱负相关外,雌、雄球花的初花期、盛花期、末花期间均呈极显著或显著正相关。各花期的相关性呈现初花期和盛花期的相关>盛花期和末花期的相关>初花期和末花期的相关,雌球花初花期与雄球花初花期的相关系数最大。坡位对母树的花期有极显著影响,生长在不同坡位的植株,其雌、雄球花花期值差异明显,其大小均为上坡<中坡<下坡。坡位对花期影响最大的是雌球花的初花期,其次是雄球花的初花期、雌球花的盛花期、雄球花的盛花期,而对雌、雄球花的末花期影响最小。偏北产地无性系的花期相对较早,不同的无性系类型,其雄球花的盛花期和雌球花的初花期的差异显著;雄球花的初花期、末花期以及雌球花的盛花期和末花期差异均不显著。不同的年份,雌、雄球花花期的早晚差异很大,2012年最早初花期较2013年最早初花期早25 d。[结论]桂阳马尾松二代种子园35个无性系总体雌、雄球花花期具有较好的同步性;从开花物候方面考虑,该种子园建园材料选择较合理,对种子园种子产量和遗传品质没有影响。 [Objective] When choosing the materials for building garden of Gaolin Seed Bank of Gaolin in the early stage, the initial consideration was its fast-growing nature, while less attention was paid to the flowering phenology of the elite trees. In the construction of high-generation seed orchards, the configuration of clones often considers the genetic elements of their flowering phenology according to their provenance. However, it is impossible to absolutely synchronize their flowering phenology even in clones of the same provenance in a small area . Therefore, understanding the flowering phenology of seed orchard clones can provide the basis for the intensive management of seed orchard, yield prediction and seed genetic quality control. [Method] From 2012 to 2013, 10 and 25 clones of different clonal types were randomly selected in Ⅰ and Ⅴ of Masson Pine Seedlings II in Seedling Nursery in Guiyang. Their flowering phenology was observed. [Result] The results showed that there were differences in the beginning and ending dates and the durations of flowering between female and male flowers in different clones. However, there was no significant difference in the flowering date between female and male flowers in clones. The total population of male and female in 35 clones The flowering of the flower had a certain degree of synchrony. The initial flowering of 35 male and female flowers was basically synchronous, and the flowering and the late flowering of female and male flowers were synchronized. Differences between flowering plants relative to asexual big, but the male ball early flowering plants, the female flower early flowering stage, the same plant Park parents of female and male ball flowering have a certain degree of synchronization. Except for the negative correlation between the late flowering stage of female flowers and the early flowering stage of male flowers, the female flowers and male adult flowers showed a significant or significant positive correlation at the beginning of flowering, the full flowering and the end of flowering. Correlations among flowering stages showed correlations between flowering stage and flowering stage> the correlation between full flowering stage and final flowering stage> the correlation between initial flowering stage and final flowering stage, and the correlation coefficient between the early flowering stage of female flowering flower and the early flowering stage of male flowering flower was the highest. The slope position had a very significant effect on the flowering period of mother trees. The plants growing on different slope positions showed obvious differences in the flowering date between the female and male flowers, and their sizes were uphill
新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)是危害养禽业的重要病原之一。近年来,新基因亚型ⅦhNDV已在东南亚及南非等地区鸡群广泛流行。为了探讨基因Ⅶh亚型NDVGXC110083株