Seasonal Changes in Mayfly Communities and Abundance in Relation to Water Physicochemistry in Two Ri

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A field study was performed at rivers in Gunung Jerai forest reserve (Kedah,Malaysia) to assess seasonal changes in mayfly community structure and abundance in relation to altitude and water physicochemistry.Rivers at lower (Batu Hampar River) and higher (Teroi River) elevations were visited through dry and wet seasons in September 2007 to August 2008.Monthly visits were made to 20 sites on each river,and water and aquatic insects were sampled using D-pond aquatic nets.Water was warmer,more acid,and more turbid in Teroi River during wet season.Ammonia was the only nutrient exhibiting significant seasonal variations (greater during wet season).Chemical oxygen demand content was higher in Teroi River where biochemical oxygen demand content was low during wet season.Species richness was higher in Batu Hampar River,but displayed seasonal variations only in Teroi River.Among the eight families encountered,Baetidae was the commonest.Baetid abundance was usually high during wet season,and those belonging to the dominant genus (Baetis) were more abundant in Teroi River.Heptageniidae was the second commonest family; its predominant genus,Thalerospyrus was more abundant in Teroi River during dry season.Caenidae,Leptophlebiidae and Oligoneuriidae were only found in Batu Hampar River where their abundances peaked during dry season,i.e.,Habrophlebiodes sp.and Isonychia sp.Ephemerellidae and Teloganodidae occurred only in Teroi River,with the first found only during dry season.Mayflies were recorded under very distinct physicochemical conditions,illustrating their potential usefulness for assessing water quality.Caenids,leptophlebids,oligoneurids ephemerellids and teloganodids seem to be particularly sensitive to temperature,acidity,turbidity,chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand,parameters that varied with river altitude.
摘 要:高中语文教学与传统文化的契合,既是高中语文新课标的统一要求,也是弘扬传统文化,培育民族精神的客观需要。本文就以高中语文教学为基础,促进传统文化与语文教学的契合进行了讨论,旨在为今后的语文教学发展提供参考。  关键词:语文教学;传统文化;契合;分析;研究  一、高中语文教学与传统文化契合的现状分析  1.教材选编体现了高中语文教学与传统文化契合的新课标要求。《普通高中语文课程标准》规定:“高
【摘要】屏蔽泵是由离心泵和三相异步屏蔽电动机同轴构成。屏蔽泵是一种无密封泵,泵和驱动电机都被密封在一个被泵送介质充满的压力容器内,此压力容器只有静密封,并由一个电线组来提供旋转磁场并驱动转子。这种结构不需机械密封而无泄漏,适用于输送各种易燃、易爆、有毒、有害及贵重的液体,在化工、制药、核工业、航天等装置中广泛应用。屏蔽泵要定期检修,方能保证可靠运行。   【关键词】屏蔽泵 基本结构 维护检修 定子