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美国前国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯在白宫从政的八年,可谓美国外交史和国际政治史上极为重要的八年。她经历了“9·11”恐怖袭击,策划乃至主导了阿富汗战争、伊拉克战争、巴以和谈、朝鲜六方会谈、伊朗核危机、北约东扩等国际重要事务的走向。其鹰派作风让她在任内留下的基本上都是批评。但她说:“我很高兴有机会在极其重要的时期供职,有些事情我们做得很好,有些事情处理得不太好,但我笃信历史自有公断,在我离 For the past eight years after the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice took power in the White House, it is an extremely important eight years in the diplomatic and international political history of the United States. She experienced ”9.11“ terrorist attacks and planned or even led the international affairs such as the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, the Palestine-Israel peace talks, the North Korea six-nation talks, Iran’s nuclear crisis and NATO’s eastward expansion. Its hawkish style basically left her in office with criticism. However, she said: ”I am very happy to have the chance to serve at an extremely important time. Some of the things we did well and some did not handle well, but I firmly believe that history has its own integrity,