Security Attacks in Named Data Networking: A Review and Research Directions

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkzhlk
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Contents such as audios, videos, and images, contribute most of the Intet traffic in the current paradigm. Secure content sharing is a tedious issue. The existing security solutions do not secure data but secure the communicating endpoints. Named data networking (NDN) secures the data by enforcing the data publisher to sign the data. Any user can verify the data by using the public key of the publisher. NDN is resilient to most of the probable security attacks in the TCP/IP model due to its new architecture. However, new types of attacks are possible in NDN. This article surveys the most significant security attacks in NDN such as interest flooding attacks, cache privacy attacks, cache pollution attacks, and content poisoning attacks. Each attack is classified according to their behavior and discussed for their detection techniques, countermeasures, and the affected parameters. The article is an attempt to help new researchers in this area to gather the domain knowledge of NDN. The article also provides open research issues that could be addressed by researchers.
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