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玉米秸烤烟技术是获1990年长春市农业科技推广一等奖的项目,在吉林省德惠县推广后效果很好。此技术操作简便,控温容易,烤烟质量好,成本低。1.8亩地的玉米秸(150捆),可烤一亩地的烟叶,能节约515公斤优质煤。每烤1公斤原烟,用玉米秸只需0.12元,比用煤节约0.356元。用玉米秸烤烟,在原煤烤房技术的基础上,还要掌握以下几个要点:1.掌握好温度。用玉米秸烤烟,各时期的温度、湿度与烧煤时相同。但由于烧玉米秸时温度变化快,要勤看温度计,掌握好炉温。2.改进烤房。将原烤房主火龙上边的泥片加厚5厘米,在烟囱上加一个烟闩,出完烟后立即关上,以延长保温时间。3.掌握好烧火要领。烟叶变黄期,一般每隔2—3小 Corn straw flue-cured tobacco technology was won the first prize of agricultural science and technology promotion in Changchun City in 1990. After being promoted in Dehui County, Jilin Province, the effect was very good. This technology is easy to operate, temperature control is easy, flue-cured tobacco is of good quality and low cost. 1.8 hectares of corn stalks (150 bales), can be roasted an acre of tobacco, can save 515 kilograms of quality coal. Each roasted 1 kg of raw tobacco, corn stalks only 0.12 yuan, 0.356 yuan more than coal savings. With corn stalks flue-cured tobacco, barn technology in the coal on the basis of, but also to grasp the following points: 1. Master the temperature. Flue-cured tobacco with corn stalks, the temperature and humidity during the same period and coal. However, due to temperature changes when burning corn stalks, diligent to look at the thermometer, good furnace temperature. 2. Improve the barn. The owner of the original barbarian fire dragon on top of the paddle thickened 5 cm in the chimney plus a latch on the smoke immediately after the closure, to extend the holding time. 3 master fire essentials. Yellow leaves, generally every 2-3 small
陶澍少年时,家里兴建了一座榨油坊。开张之日,父亲请了几位秀才来写对联庆贺。秀才们沉吟半天,想不出什么好联来。陶澍见状,微微一笑,提笔一挥而就: 榨响如雷,惊动满天星斗
本文试用GM(1,1)模型对兖州市1990~1995年病毒性肝炎进行建模拟合,并对1996年发病率进行预测。灰色预测模型建立本文依据文献〔1〕提供的方法建立预测模型。一、数据处理设原始数据序列为x(0)(k)={x(0)(1),x(0)(2),…,x... In
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籽用菠菜和山东大葱是引黄灌区目前很有发展前途的经济作物品种,这2种作物复种只需支出73.70元/亩,可收入775元/亩。现介绍栽培技术如下。 Seeds with spinach and green o