Transitional development path of liquor industry based on business ecosystem theory

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubin506
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Economic new normal and the change of industry environment, market environment and competition environment boost the liquor industry to conduct the transitional development. By analyzing the status quo and the motivation of transformation of the liquor industry, the liquor business ecosystem is constructed in this paper. And the path of transitional development of liquor industry is proposed based on the type division of liquor business ecosystem. Then we give some countermeasures and suggestions to improve transitional development of liquor industry from the aspect of liquor business ecosystem, government regulation and the transformation of liquor making company. Economic new normal and the change of industry environment, market environment and competition environment boost the liquor industry to conduct the transitional development. By analyzing the status quo and the motivation of transformation of the liquor industry, the liquor business ecosystem is constructed in this paper. And the path of transitional development of liquor industry is proposed based on the type division of liquor business ecosystem. Then we give some countermeasures and suggestions to improve transitional development of liquor industry from the aspect of liquor business ecosystem, government regulation and the transformation of liquor making company.
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