
来源 :河南农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yogonet
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1983年3月31日至5月7日在郑州北郊白庙大队定点调查了菜粉蝶第一代卵的数量消长情况。初步了解产卵初期为4月1日,末期为5月4日}产卵历期34天。这可进行发生期预测。影响落卵量的主要因子初步认为是蜜源植物、管理制度、气温、降雨(包括光照)等。采卵后,在室内饲养出各龄幼虫数十头,观察各龄幼虫外部形态,可以从第四龄辩别雌雄,这可作为数量预测和发生期预测的依据。对各龄雌雄幼虫主要生殖器官的比较解剖,观察其发育进度,初步认为第二龄初为防治适期。 March 31, 1983 to May 7 in the northern suburb of Zhengzhou Baimiao brigade sentinel survey of the first generation of cabbage butterfly growth and decline in the number of eggs. Preliminary understanding of the initial spawning April 1, the end of May 4} spawning period of 34 days. This allows for the prediction of the occurrence. The main factors affecting the amount of eggs initially considered as nectar plants, management system, temperature, rainfall (including light) and so on. After oviposition, dozens of larvae of each instar were kept indoors and the external morphology of each instar larvae was observed. The male and female larvae could be discriminated from the fourth instar, which can be used as the basis for quantitative prediction and prediction of occurrence. The age of male and female larvae of the main reproductive organs comparative anatomy, observe the progress of its development, initially considered the second age as the beginning of the prevention and treatment.
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观察结果表明,大麦云纹病菌(Rhynchosporium secalis Davis)可以侵染大麦种子,且感染的种子是本病的初次侵染来源之一。田大麦云纹病的初侵染来源主要来自感染的种子,其次是
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富士推出的Super CCD大家一定不会觉得陌生。早期通过插值运算提高像素这一本领吸引用家,而如今经过一步步的改善,Super CCD在感光的动态范围、噪点控制等方面也有了突飞猛进的